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DEFRANKS has contributed 534 entries to our website, so far.
Your Skin Microbiome | A Secret Key to Longevity?
When most think about the Microbiome – because I know that’s what we ALL DO in our spare time – conversations quickly become focused on the GUT. Our intestinal tubing which provide hundreds of square meters in surface area for trillions of microorganisms to setup camp, and in many cases, stay awhile… An ecosystem which […]
Early vs. Late Intermittent Fasting | Most Controlled Early Eating Study Yet!
Genes May Take a Backseat to Lifestyle as we Age | Here’s Why
It’s estimated that we humans have around 20,000 protein coding genes…… Meaning genes that when “Turned On”…. DO THINGS! “Things”… such as provide the instructions to create the proteins which allow our pretty cool meat suit to function. Kinda Important, and for that reason, there aren’t too many people arguing against our genes being a […]
Daily Optimize Your Daily Protein Improve Your LONGEVITY
How Deprived Sleep CHANGES Your Immune System | New Data
We Humans are interesting creatures….. So intelligent, yet often to the point where we end up inflicting completely avoidable biological harm…. Point and case, the common societal mantra of “I’ll Sleep when I’m Dead” A philosophy which promotes and reinforces the concept that we need to “Keep Grinding” , “Out-Work the Competition” or find a […]
Early Eating For Longevity | What’s the BEST Strategy?
I feel like we’re at a inflection point in the Health and Longevity field where Circadian Rhythms MUST be considered when building a strategy to bring out the VERY BEST of our Biological Wiring…. A similar point to which Mugatu was in when he just could NOT deny that Hansel was the undeniable Future in […]
The Poor Sleep, Gut, Disease Connection | And How to BREAK IT
One of the more recent critiques of modern medicine is its “Symptom based Treatment” Approach… In other words, if you have acid-reflux, here’s an antacid….. If you have high blood pressure, here’s a prescription…. Essentially “treating” in a way to make the symptom(s) go away… An approach which rarely investigates the question(s)…. Why is this […]
Why Blood Vessels Are Becoming STIFF | And How to STOP It
Can Cold Exposure Help FIGHT Cancer | New Data
It’s often said that true growth only happens as a byproduct of stress. And in many cases this is true, as “Good Stress” elicits a beneficial adaptive response which makes the organism stronger and more resilient in the future…… aka Growth…. In-fact this biological phenomenon has a name… Hormesis! Cool Right! Now, what most people […]
How Artificial Sweeteners REALLY Effect Your Microbiome & Metabolic Health
Guess What…. Artificial Sweeteners DO, In Fact, Effect Your Microbiome… And By Association, YOU! And despite ALL of the controversy there is around the topic, I know this due to ONE simple principle….. Everything YOU CONSUME Effects YOU! Now, The REAL question is… Are these “Effects” meaningful (in a good or bad way) and thus […]
7 Ways to Keep Your Circadian Rhythms & Body Clock Aligned
It’s often forgotten that we have evolved for hundreds of thousands of years as modern humans and millions of years as primates living in accordance to that big flaming supernova up in the sky…. THE Facilitator of all things life as we know it……. THE SUN. And as a byproduct, we have deep biological programing […]
Micro-plastics Inside You? How they may be Impacting YOUR Cellular Function
You ever be searching for something for what feels like thousands of years, just to find it sitting there, right under your nose….. Well…. that’s kinda what’s been happening with the Fountain of Youth… Ya Know, the one that holds the mythical potion to all of our age associated suffering. The one we can only […]