How Alcohol Changes Your DNA | Finding Your Balance
You ever wonder why almost every tv-show, movie and book telling a story based on a period hundreds to thousands of years in the past, has sipping wine and plotting revenge as its two most common features…?
And yes, it undoubtedly makes for great dramatic entertainment, but there’s also likely some truth hidden in-between the lines as well. As our relationship with ethanol, or the main compound responsible for alcohols effects, dates back to 7000BC. Or roughly 9000 years ago…
Indicating that we humans have been “taking the load off” for some time now. Conveniently providing us a nice long “Study Duration” to document its effects. All of which have been purely observational until modern technology has finally allowed us to take a look under the cellular hood.
And i’ll just say, its internal effects seem to be just as delirious as its external ones. Going as far as interacting and damaging our instructions for cellular life, DNA.