How Carbon Dioxide can Help You LIVE LONGER | C02 Tolerance & Longevity
In recent decades carbon dioxide (C02) has increasingly become a “no-no” word. Being singled-out as the “gas” which is going to lead this planet to… well, extinction. So, it’s totally understandable where all this “lets get rid of C02” rhetoric comes from.
However, there are plenty of good reasons why we definitely DON’T want to do that. Some of the most common and important being the fact that our plant friends, who produce the ever critical oxygen we need for energy metabolism, require this gas as their food. So at the very least, we should be striving for better balance, rather than total C02 annihilation.
That being said, the growing list of unknown benefits attributed to C02, may make you hesitate as well. Specifically the critical “cellular modulating” functions it’s carrying out within each of our bodies at this very moment. Functions that not only keep us alive, but also, may even keep us healthier for longer.
Yep, this gas is MUCH more than a bodily waste product for us humans….
Let’s Explore….
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PS – It’s a Great Day to Have a Great Day! 🤙😁🤙