One of the long-time suspicious associations over the past 50 years has been the dramatic rise in cancer incidents along with the coincidental decrease in daily activity levels.
I say “association” because that’s exactly what it is, there is no direct causal link firmly established between the two, but the relationship is getting rather chummy. So much so, that recent studies have even shown that the serum from a freshly exercised individual makes certain types of cancer cells shiver in their membranes.
But why is this? What is it about exercise that make mutated, uncontrollably proliferating cells, suddenly subdue?
Well, recent research has displayed that when we embark in some good ole’ Badanka-donking. Various tissues, organs and glands release a flurry of bio-active molecules (such as proteins, nucleic acids, neurotransmitters and metabolites) which induce a VAST change in our biochemistry, genetic expression and cellular function.
And it’s THIS complex laundry list of downstream pathways that are thought to be at the root of movements health and longevity modulating powers… Including its Cancer fighting powers!