Mitochondria Fragmentation is Aging Your Muscle Faster | Here’s How to Stop it
By now most of you longevity enthusiasts are privy to the natural deterioration of muscle mass as we age (Sarcopenia) and know how serious of a problem it tends to become for the average intelligent walking ape as they enter their golden years or life.
Because, it’s pretty damn hard to stay “able and capable” when once simple things like balance, stability, getting out of a chair and picking an item up, become a challenge. Thus, this loss of structural mass and function has been universally classified as a MAJOR longevity liability.
That being said, what you may not be so privy to, is the fact that there are other, independent processes, happening within this critical muscle tissue which may be accelerating its decline. Specifically, with the organelles responsible for facilitating complex multi-cellular life as we know it, mitochondria.
As it’s beginning to be observed that the fragmentation of these little organelles, or division into smaller weaker units, is a phenomena that’s adding fuel to this morbidity fire.
Fuel, which can be subdued, or even re-channeled for good if the right cellular environment is created…
Let’s See How….
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PS – It’s a Great Day to Have a Great Day! 🤙😁🤙