More Micro-Diversity BETTER For LONGEVITY?
Did you know…. As we all made our journey out of the womb and into the world, we were greeted by excited, loving creatures that couldn’t wait to get their hands on us…
No… Not our parents….. Our Soon to be Microbiome!
And from when these first microbes ventured to our new un-inhabited land, to the mass migration that takes place across the following 36 months…
It’s thought we cultivate our first, established, settling species that have the potential to stick around for decades…..
BUT…. This ecosystem is anything BUT set in stone….
Along the way… of ummm LIFE… it is being continuously modulated by the:
- Food we eat
- Environment we interact with
- Exercise and sleep we get
- Medications we take
- And everyday items that we use
All this is just a way to say…. the Lifestyle we Live……
But how exactly do these little guys play a role in our ever evolving quest for longevity?