Resistant Starch, Red Meat & Cancer | What You NEED to Know
What if I told you there is a compound that exists which we can’t absorb… YET when we eat it, we reap potentially PROFOUND Benefits….
Benefits which have a systemic health impact across our entire body… ALL while being In-capable of breaking it down….
You think I’m crazy don’t you?
Well this compound EXISTS & it’s called Resistant Starch, a close cousin to dietary fiber and a common component in the real whole plant-based foods we consume…..
So you may be asking, rightfully so… How do we actually receive these benefits if we can even absorb the stuff….?
Simple, we outsource the job to the few trillion of tenants we have living in our colon…. our Gut Microbes!
And guess what, it happens to be some of their favorite food to eat!
So let’s review some NEW RESEARCH on the systemic benefits of consuming this compound…. And even how it may neutralize the potential downsides of consuming ALOT of Processed Red Meat….
Which is different than high quality grass fed, unprocessed, preservative & antibiotic free red meat…. Important to Delineate!
Lets Feed those Microbes !