It is well documented that our Microbiome, or the trillions of micro-organisms which live within us, is NOT what it used to be. As the health and diversity of these creepy crawlers has diminished quite a bit since our hunter gatherer origins.
And that may not seem like a BIG Deal… Until, you realize that these trillions of microbes have their tentacles of wisdom in just about every biological function we have. Constantly secreting compounds which either promote the mission statement of Health & Vitality, OR…. Do the opposite….
With the base case for most modern intelligent walking apes unfortunately being the latter. Creating an internal biochemical environment, driven by lifestyle habits, which makes them a more tired, lethargic, low-energy, sore, achy, sad, depressed, LESS Intelligent walking ape. And having them believe that “This is Life”….
Well, it isn’t! And we explore yet another reason why, highlighting the Microbiomes impact on one of the most prevalent psychological conditions we modern humans face, Anxiety. And how it may be the secret to taking the edge off. Something most of us can use in this 24/7 stress-filled world.
Let’s Explore!
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PS – It’s a Great Day to Have a Great Day! 🤙😁🤙