The Lost Art of Circadian Eating and its Metabolic Magic
It may be hard to believe but for most of intelligent walking ape existence (aka human existence) there wasn’t too much to do when the sun went down.
In fact, the most important activity was NOT to get eaten. Making it quite ironic that our modern western norms have now made staying up into the wee hours of the night, snacking and scrolling, a standard practice across the developed world.
Creating a “never-before seen” environment where we have access to unlimited tasty food, non-stop entertainment, little reason to move and NO clear incentive for good sleep.
What could go wrong….?
Well, if we use modern-day metabolic health as a marker, quite a bit! As it’s estimated that nearly 88% of American Adults are metabolically impaired, with many of those people not even realizing.
However, like with most obstacles, there is a silver lining… The solution to this growing problem may simply be re-channeling the habits of old. Re-Aligning with the way we’ve biologically evolved to live, being active and consuming energy during the day, while resting and recovering at night.
This is a practice known as Circadian Eating, and it may just be one of the best tools we have to get our cellular and metabolic self back in check.
Lets Explore!