For quite a while now we’ve known and heard about the effects of poor sleep on our eating….
And if you haven’t, unfortunately it does not make you crave a BIG Nourishing -Real Whole Food- Mess of a platter. In fact it does quite the opposite, modulating our energy regulating hormones in such a way that we crave more sweet, salty and fatty un-satiating treats. AKA Ultra Processed Foods.
I wish I could tell you this is where the story ends… But new experimental evidence is beginning to display the long suspected reverse connection. Or influence of sub-optimal ultra-processed eating on sleep.
And once again, not the connection you’d like to see. Showing that this way of eating impairs human sleep quality compared to a more balance real whole food diet. Creating a very real and scary scenario where….
Poor Sleep Leads to Poor Eating, and Poor Eating Leads to MORE Poor Sleep…
A cycle which, can and likely does, wreak havoc on so many intelligent walking apes on this beautiful flowing rock without them even realizing it….
Good new is, the power to implement meaningful change and break-out of this impaired cellular & metabolic state… Lays within each and every one of us….