Would You Just Spit It Out Already….Fat That Is
PI-Some of the water produced as the body consumes fat exits in the usual way, through your urine and sweat. But a 2014 study in the British Medical Journal found that most of the byproducts of fat (including all that carbon dioxide) leaves the body through the respiratory system.
Yep, you read that right. You breathe out the byproducts of most of the fat that you burn, the CO2 from that process mingling with the CO2 produced by your lungs as they process oxygen.
The human body is so fucking cool, it literally has a process and answer for everything. It’s like a mad scientist that’s just keeps throwing madness against the wall until something sticks. Check it off and move on to the next evolutionary conundrum. What do we have to figure out next? Oh, well you know how we came up with that great idea to store excess energy from foods to use when we’re in a bind, well…..We need to get rid of it now. Seems like these 21st century homo sapiens(“US”) somehow found a way to collect the damm stuff like they were a Bennie Baby/Pokemon Card/Ferbie/Tamagotchi super toy (shout out to the 90’s,) #90’sNick
These fat cells are playing by the rules of manifest destiny and expanding in every which way with little disregard for our waistlines. Time for an intervention, But first, an interesting fact about these essential and troublesome fat cells:
Because we generally have a set number of these cells, gaining weight doesn’t typically involve making more. Instead, individual cells expand as the digestive system breaks down and stores food for later use, then they shrink when the body turns to the fat cell in a moment of need
Yep, the number of fat cells in our body remains consistent from when we’re a teen through the rest of our lives, its basically the expansion and shrinking of the sames cells as we gain and/or lose weight. So how do we go about shrinking these cells when were in beast mode at our local centers of picking things up and running in place:
The fat inside your adipose cells is stored and then sent back out into your body as triglycerides. These go through a series of chemical reactions to convert into energy, but the process isn’t 100-percent efficient. Along with the energy to lift your leg or hoist your bag onto your shoulder, the process of using up fat stores creates byproducts: water and carbon dioxide.
Some of these byproducts can exit the body through our natural sewer systems but most of it(CO2) leaves via the lungs. Its just completely and utterly mind blowing when you think of all the reactions and processes that are going on Inside YOU right now…and now…and NOW. Stop getting caught up in the world for two minutes and be blown away by the very fact that your reading this effortlessly without thinking twice.
Fat’s not the enemy that many people try and point it out to be, it’s basically a evolutionary insurance policy for back when food was not a western society commodity like it is today. 500-1000 years ago, our bodies weren’t sure when they would be getting their next meals, we evolved to save all excess energy as a survival mechanism. Fast forward to 2018, and food is not only widely available but its also fully processed and doused in sugar. We have a good ol’ double whammy here : Excess food highlighted by High Calorie/low Nutrient options. The health impacts are beginning to come to fruition(pun intended) and its not pretty.
So Just Spit it Out
You just gotta burn it first…..