211Jan 2, 2021
Getting Sick is just a part of Life, Right? Like Clockwork, at certain points during the year it’s normal to come down with something, head over to your local pharmacy and pick up some germ killing antibiotics…. RIGHT……? Or what if we have it backwards…… What if….. We’re all in a-lot more control than we […]
212Dec 27, 2020
Believe it or not, we’ve been living among Zombies This Whole Time! But You’ll never hear about these inflammatory creatures on the Big Screen – Even though it’d be a pretty entertaining flick – we’re talking about the Zombies Within…. Microscopic Zombies…. Cellular ZOMBIES! And How the Accumulation of these Zombie Cells (otherwise known as […]
213Dec 18, 2020
You’ve Heard it…. I’ve Heard it….. We’ve ALL HEARD IT….. But what does it really mean? And How Does it Actually WORK? I’m talking about the age-old Health adage…. GOOD FOOD = GOOD MOOD So Let’s Break it Down, Exploring How the FOOD we Eat impacts our feelings of Anxiety, Depression & Happiness….. Because we […]
214Dec 12, 2020
Intuitive eating is about improving Your Relationship with food, about leaning to respect and nourish your body with NO strings attached. Being KIND to Yourself throughout! It’s about kicking restrictions to the curb and Honoring Your TRUE Hunger when it arises….. This Right HERE is a concept that I can Vibe With…. But as YOU […]
215Dec 5, 2020
There are just some things that come naturally with a Strategy like Intermittent Fasting… More Energy… Better Dance Moves…. And BIGGER Meals… Two of the three above are subject to personal experience …. Regardless, when you implement a Fasting Protocol for Longevity, it should ADD to the other health interventions you’ve already applied, not inhibit […]
216Nov 27, 2020
Food has long evolved from its simplistic ways of 100,000 years ago… Unless you’re “Doing it Yourself”, you end up relying (and trusting) on others for the Farming, Feeding, Harvesting, Butchering, Catching, and well, pretty much everything other than the eating. This has made our lives simple….. But is something being “Given-Up” in return? And […]
217Nov 20, 2020
The common complication I find while talking Fasting….. is the fact that, for many, the primary objective for Implementing the fasting protocol is…….WEIGHT LOSS And I’m cool with that. However, If you’ve been following my channel you know that I focus almost exclusively on the profound benefits it provides in terms of LONGEVITY…. Extending those […]
218Nov 13, 2020
Whether you want to believe it or not, WE HUMANS are totally capable of feeling physically & mentally refreshed, rejuvenated, and otherwise great Each and Every Day…… The Sad truth is, many people accept the modern-day status-quo of feeling tired, achy, and stressed instead… BUT NOT ANYMORE ! See how I use these FOUR Morning […]
219Nov 7, 2020
It was only a few months after going fully plant based that I began experimenting with structured feeding windows…and well…hundreds of YouTube Videos later…here we are ;)…. Today we’re gonna look at some things that I wish I knew when I started my fasting journey, specifically a few lesser-known “gotchas” when doing it in a […]
220Oct 31, 2020
I’ll get right to it… Chronic Mouth Breathing is Becoming a Chronic Problem… And due to the fact that we Take Upwards of 25,000 Breaths a Day, it’s a problem that ain’t going away…. That is…unless we make it go away…. See how You can FLIP the script and begin to leverage one of the […]
221Oct 23, 2020
OK, we know that Caloric Restriction is King (or Queen) when it comes to moving the Longevity needle (in Animal Models), and that’s awesome! Except for the whole Restriction part… But what is there was an alternate world, a world where we could reap many of these Pro-Longevity effects without any Restriction at all….. I […]
222Oct 18, 2020
Just like anything else, implementing an intermittent fasting (or time-restricted feeding) protocol takes a little planning. That is, if you don’t want to start ALL over again 3-weeks later So here we talk about the steps to Safely and Sustainably START an Intermittent Fasting or Time-Restricted Feeding Protocol, tailoring it to your unique lifestyle factors […]
223Oct 9, 2020
I’m sure you may have heard the saying “A productive day starts the night before”… Well, Im’a flip this one back around and Make the argument that a good night’s sleep starts when you wake up! See how things such as: Exercise Caffeine Adenosine Melatonin Stress Blue Light Meal Timing And other common daily activities […]
224Oct 2, 2020
Often when I talk about all the common desires people have in regards to their health (i.e weight loss, fat loss, improved physical function, better blood bio-markers, etc…) I refer to them as the byproduct of improving one’s cellular and metabolic health. Essentially getting healthy from the inside-out, at the cellular level. And when we’re […]
225Sep 26, 2020
Today we are hitting a brief pause on all the longevity science-y goodness (…for the most part, they’ll always be a little science sprinkled in) and talking about something that is absolutely critical if you want to achieve LONG-TERM Health Success…. Something that is bigger than all the different Health protocols, tweaks, and adjustments combine… […]