226Sep 18, 2020
We’ve known for a while that “Shift-Work” is associated with some less than desirable health conditions. So much so that the WHO (World Health Organization) has identified it as a probable Carcinogen (aka something that causes Cancer). The Scary thing here is the fact that you DON’T need to “Officially” be working the midnight shift […]
227Sep 11, 2020
If you haven’t noticed… we tend to follow a little bit of a daily cycle…. Simply put… We Wake Up, Do Things, then Go to Bed…… And Repeat until well… You get it…. Don’t worry if you never really thought about this cycle…. I certainly didn’t until I heard of it a few years back […]
228Sep 5, 2020
Let me throw a monkey-wrench at your probable perception and common dogma around STRESS…with a poem… Stress can be Good, Stress can be Bad Stress Can be Happy, Stress Can be SAD Stress can mean LIFE, Stress can mean DEATH it’s Context-Dependent… Just Like the Rest… I just either made my high school poetry teacher […]
229Aug 28, 2020
What if I told you…… There was a way to make Mondays…. ummmmm NOT SUCK… And in doing so, Make them the Most Productive Day of the Week? You think I’m crazy dont you? Excellent! Check out how I’ve leveraged the biological byproducts of a 36-48 hour Fast to DOMINATE Every Monday for the Last […]
230Aug 23, 2020
Did you know that the Average Human Lifespan has decreased for the first time in years…. BUT…. that should be something you worry about after dealing with your average HEALTHSPAN dilemma I do however, have some good news….. You may be able to use intermittent fasting to do just that…. See why and more importantly […]
231Aug 14, 2020
Have you Ever Asked… How often Should I Weigh Myself? Well it happens, your Daily Weight is Nothing but a House of Cards. Don’t Believe me? Awesome! Let’s discuss! First, what MAKES UP YOUR Weight and Second, WHY it’s better for your SHORT & LONG-TERM Health (and Weigh Loss) if You Stop the Daily Weigh-Ins! […]
232Aug 7, 2020
What If I told You…. You Had One SHOT! One OPPORTUNITY To Have Everything You Ever WANTED…. Wait a Sec…. This Sounds A little Familiar… Did Eminem write “Lose Yourself” based on his experience with Once Meal a Day… Please Excuse Me While I open up an Investigation…. In the meantime, enjoy this “Day in […]
233Aug 1, 2020
Ever wonder what kind of difference a few hours makes while intermittent fasting? Well… to be honest, it most likely depends… But this new Human Research takes a shot at answering that very question, comparing a 4-hour and 6-hour Time-Restricted feeding window in middle-aged obese individuals ….. And the findings are pretty darn interesting… See […]
234Jul 24, 2020
Ever Wonder how Preparing for Colonoscopy effects your Microbiome (aka Gut Bacteria)? Me too! So let’s take a look at the research, your screening options, and how you can put yourself in the best possible position to support your microbes through this trying time…. Ohh and I’ll tell you about the secret weapon that may […]
235Jul 18, 2020
Today we explore two features that would register as straight “OG’s” for the human race and/or humankind…. if those are different things…. We are talking two staples in our million-to-billion year evolution… Features that we can potentially manipulate to optimize our HEALTH, Longevity, and BURN FAT along the way. We’re talking FASTING & Walking! And […]
236Jul 10, 2020
There are a few things on this planet that just don’t go together…. For Example… Night & Day Orange Juice & Toothpaste Forks & Power Outlets I think you get the point. The reason I bring these to your attention is because this combo we’re about to discuss today puts all the rest to shame. […]
237Jul 3, 2020
Ever Wonder what Health & Longevity Secrets are Shared Across 100-Year-Old People 🤔 According to the research, these Gandalf-resembling gems are not special because they live longer once they get a disease… In-fact, they die from the same diseases that people who are 20-to-30 years younger than them die from…. They are special because they […]
238Jun 26, 2020
There’s not much that can beat the Nature, Friends & Sweat Combo! In this Nature Therapy Vlog we go rucking up the beautifully challenging Franconia Ridge in the White Mountain Range of New Hampshire. Highlighting some of the key factors (as well as new research) that make nature such a powerful health tool…. Take your […]
239Jun 18, 2020
If you’ve gotten this far with One Meal a Day (OMAD)… Might as well UNLOCK it’s FULL HEALTH Potential 💪😁🌱 See what you should do…. Referenced Posts OMAD vs ADFADF 6-Week RESULTSIntermittent FastingLongevity EatingSitting vs StandingFasting PlateauYour Microbes & YOUADF and Your LiverIntermittent Fasting GuideTransition OFF FastingFasting & Fiber What Fasting Protocol are YOU Following? […]
240Jun 12, 2020
You know the saying that “everything we need lies within” Well, science is indicating that it may NOT be a load of 💩 At least when it comes to building a Growth “Winning” Mindset. It’s only a matter of pressing the right buttons. Check out how Hacking your Dopamine Reward Pathway may be the trick […]