361Dec 26, 2017
Raising cattle contributes to global warming in a big way. The animals expel large amounts of methane when they burp and fart, a greenhouse gas many times more potent than carbon dioxide. U.S. beef production, in fact, roughly equals the annual emissions of 24 million cars, according to the Union of Concerned Scientists. That’s a […]
362Dec 23, 2017
LS – For modern daters, the social and technological advances of the last 200 years may be a greater amount of change than humans are equipped to deal with, Apostolou said. “There are reasons to believe that most of the adaptations we carry with us today evolved in an environment where mate choice was more […]
363Dec 22, 2017
A biohybrid sperm microrobot might one day deliver anti-cancer drugs to tumors in the female reproductive tract, according to a new paper from Germany. The sci-fi-sounding microbot, which was described in a December article in the journal ACS Nano, consists of sperm from a bull combined with a plastic, 3D-printed microstructure covered with an iron-based […]
364Dec 20, 2017
As Barstool Sports continues to win the daily mind share of thousands, one can only think – Whats driving them to their Moon level dominance. With every News and Media outlet trying to shun and box them in, they continue to grow, build their audience, and one-by-one put competing organizations in mental pretzels. There’s only […]
365Dec 19, 2017
This is the sacrifice that we must pay to rid the world of of every last Rattata. Its not as easy as it looks, this was my latest attempt: Here’s the good news, people are getting up and getting out of their houses. This is the first game since Dance Dance Revolution that actually […]
366Dec 17, 2017
When a man complains of cold or flu symptoms, it may not be fair to dismiss his laments as simply a case of “man flu.” Men may really experience worse symptoms than women after catching a respiratory virus, a new review suggests. “The concept of man flu, as commonly defined, is potentially unjust,” […]
367Dec 15, 2017
SA–Could killing off these ‘zombie’ cells in the mice delay their premature descent into old age? The answer was yes. In a 2011 study, the team found that eliminating these ‘senescent’ cells forestalled many of the ravages of age. The discovery set off a spate of similar findings. In the seven years since, dozens of […]
368Dec 14, 2017
Are you always tired? Struggling to keep your eyes open at work and not being able to doze off at night? Feel like your constantly carrying sandbags on your shoulders? Its just never your day?…….. And Scene! “Great work everyone! We’ll just throw in a couple of doctors pointing at some papers and CGI some […]
369Dec 13, 2017
BI – Aerobic exercise, or cardio, might be the closest thing we have to a miracle drug. When we commit to regular workouts that raise our heart rate and get us moving and sweating for a sustained period, magical things happen to our mind and body. We start to think more clearly, feel better […]
370Dec 11, 2017
If your going back home for the holidays or cant make it to the Gym….Just head down to your basement and get a playlist going. It’s a Full Body Gauntlet of a Circuit consisting of the following: 5 Exercises / 4 Rounds / 30 mins The Motion(s): Burpee + 5 Pulse – Squat Jump – […]
371Dec 10, 2017
“CHINAAA is laughing at us”, Our President was telling us this whole time and no one believed him. Now look whats happened: The rural area of Bapan has no exercise culture, Day says. In fact, in Longevity Village, the elders laughed at him when he asked if they exercised Its in the writing folks, […]
372Dec 9, 2017
Virtual-reality devices can transport users to magical realms from the comfort of their own homes, but a new device built by British engineers takes users on a different kind of trip: It lets people experience the trippy visuals brought on by psychedelic drugs in a completely drug-free way. But this “hallucination machine” isn’t just for […]
373Dec 8, 2017
Your brain is not stagnant, if you look at it form a binary perspective its simple: your either increasing your cognitive ability or your decreasing it. There are a number of different ways that you can train your brain, increase the number of neurons(grey matter) and active connections that are transmitting signals (white matter). […]
374Dec 7, 2017
Multiple times a week I find myself in a breakfast/lunch meeting, either at some corporate event or walking through one of my customers offices onward to my next endeavor. Once I started paying attention it became so clear how some organizations are winning the lunch battle while others are suffocating themselves without even knowing […]
375Dec 6, 2017
Why is it that when men gain weight, they tend to develop potbellies? The answer has to do with how the body stores fat. When men gain weight, the default storage place is the belly. Think of it like the trunk of a car, said Dr. Zhaoping Li, director of the Center for Human Nutrition […]