106Jan 14, 2023
Just as we once didn’t know there was a “Master Clock” within our brain guiding bodily processes and genetic expression over the standard light/darkness cycle we call a 24-hour day…. Turns out many other parts of the body know how to tell time too… But rather than Light and Darkness being their guide, these areas […]
107Jan 7, 2023
If there were a Netflix series following a group of microscopic creatures on their quest to take over the world by infiltrating and influencing the thought, feel and function of the alpha species… Even the BIGGEST Sci-Fi geeks may say…. “A little to far-fetched for me”. And that’s a totally fair and rational answer… Only […]
108Dec 31, 2022
Here’s the thing about our pretty cool meat suit….. It’s Ever-Connected… EVERYTHING Interacts with EVERYTHING! It’s not disparate organ systems isolated into walled-off operating silos which makes you the AWESOME, cognitively advanced organism reading this right now. You ARE AWESOME…. Because ALL of these critical bodily systems that developed in a sweet symphony of biological […]
109Dec 27, 2022
It may not be to farfetched to say that the global “Intelligent Walking Ape” population as a WHOLE, has never been MORE Metabolically Sick… Meaning, we humans, the species, have never been challenged with the amount of slow-moving cellular and metabolic problems (per capita) at any point in history as we are today…. Ironically the […]
110Dec 17, 2022
If we really wanted to get to the bottom of the “it’s my Genes” debate, all we’d really need to do is create an experiment where two genetically identical organisms lived completely opposite lives…. One, living in accordance with all of the healthy habits preached from the longevity mountain tops, while the other lives in-line […]
111Dec 10, 2022
Ready for a Biological Tale? There is a magical land deep within all of our cells which transforms the food we eat into the energy which, well…. allows us to eat more food… Oh, and carry out life as we know it, but who’s keeping score. This “Land” is an organelle called the Mitochondria, a […]
112Dec 5, 2022
What if I told you that something TOTALLY unrelated to Eating… Actually modulated the the levels of hunger that you experience each and every day… Not only swaying YOU to EAT MORE, but to ALSO crave the ultra palatable, nutrient scarce, energy dense, highly processed foods which are almost impossible NOT to over-indulge on…. Making […]
113Nov 26, 2022
To Feed… OR Not To Feed…… THAT is the Question… OK, I think we can all agree that “Feeding” is kinda important for biological business. So the new question becomes, how can we do it in a way which allows us to maximize our present day mood, feel, physical function and cognition while increasing our […]
114Nov 19, 2022
We all know that feeling which flows throughout our body after watching, hearing, or seeing something truly inspirational…. That “Run through a Brick Wall” “Nothing can get in My Way” experience is the byproduct of our Motivation Circuitry Firing deep within our Cranial Cabinets. A feeling which is LOUD! PRONOUNCED! And, well….. Short Lived. Yep, […]
115Nov 14, 2022
You may have not realized it but “WORK” has been a part of our routine since… Well, FOREVER. In fact, for the greater part of our primate evolution there was only one job, Survival. We clocked-in when the sun came up, spent the day preforming the sometimes trivial but absolutely necessary tasks to survive, and […]
116Nov 5, 2022
I hate to be “That Guy” but…. We Sit ALOT! Well at least ALOT more than we used to….. With a Good chunk of the population spending 8+ Hours a Day, being sedentary. Now, this wouldn’t be THAT big of a deal if our pretty cool meat suit wasn’t evolutionary programmed to NOT only Move, […]
117Oct 29, 2022
When most think about the Microbiome – because I know that’s what we ALL DO in our spare time – conversations quickly become focused on the GUT. Our intestinal tubing which provide hundreds of square meters in surface area for trillions of microorganisms to setup camp, and in many cases, stay awhile… An ecosystem which […]
118Oct 22, 2022
It’s time to FINALLY Settle this AGE OLD Debate Once & FOR ALL! OK fine, more like a debate of the last decade, because let’s be honest, for the majority of our human existence we ATE when we could find and/or had access to Food. And debating whether consuming said food earlier in the day […]
119Oct 17, 2022
It’s estimated that we humans have around 20,000 protein coding genes…… Meaning genes that when “Turned On”…. DO THINGS! “Things”… such as provide the instructions to create the proteins which allow our pretty cool meat suit to function. Kinda Important, and for that reason, there aren’t too many people arguing against our genes being a […]
120Oct 7, 2022
If You weren’t already ecstatic about the idea of Aging….. Let me enlighten you on one of the Main transitions you have awaiting, as you enter the “Use it or LOSE IT” era of your life…. I know, sounds fun! At some point in our late twenties a feature I’ll call “Youth Auto-Pilot” begins to […]