Nov 13, 2020
Whether you want to believe it or not, WE HUMANS are totally capable of feeling physically & mentally refreshed, rejuvenated, and otherwise great Each and Every Day…… The Sad truth is, many people accept the modern-day status-quo of feeling tired, achy, and stressed instead… BUT NOT ANYMORE ! See how I use these FOUR Morning […]
Sep 5, 2020
Let me throw a monkey-wrench at your probable perception and common dogma around STRESS…with a poem… Stress can be Good, Stress can be Bad Stress Can be Happy, Stress Can be SAD Stress can mean LIFE, Stress can mean DEATH it’s Context-Dependent… Just Like the Rest… I just either made my high school poetry teacher […]
Aug 28, 2020
What if I told you…… There was a way to make Mondays…. ummmmm NOT SUCK… And in doing so, Make them the Most Productive Day of the Week? You think I’m crazy dont you? Excellent! Check out how I’ve leveraged the biological byproducts of a 36-48 hour Fast to DOMINATE Every Monday for the Last […]
Jul 24, 2020
Ever Wonder how Preparing for Colonoscopy effects your Microbiome (aka Gut Bacteria)? Me too! So let’s take a look at the research, your screening options, and how you can put yourself in the best possible position to support your microbes through this trying time…. Ohh and I’ll tell you about the secret weapon that may […]
Jul 3, 2020
Ever Wonder what Health & Longevity Secrets are Shared Across 100-Year-Old People 🤔 According to the research, these Gandalf-resembling gems are not special because they live longer once they get a disease… In-fact, they die from the same diseases that people who are 20-to-30 years younger than them die from…. They are special because they […]
Jun 26, 2020
There’s not much that can beat the Nature, Friends & Sweat Combo! In this Nature Therapy Vlog we go rucking up the beautifully challenging Franconia Ridge in the White Mountain Range of New Hampshire. Highlighting some of the key factors (as well as new research) that make nature such a powerful health tool…. Take your […]
Jun 12, 2020
You know the saying that “everything we need lies within” Well, science is indicating that it may NOT be a load of 💩 At least when it comes to building a Growth “Winning” Mindset. It’s only a matter of pressing the right buttons. Check out how Hacking your Dopamine Reward Pathway may be the trick […]
Jun 3, 2019
“Meditation is Sooo Hot Right Now “ Is the exact phrase Mugatu would whisper in the ear of his consigliere if he were in the Self-Care game rather than the Fashion one. And it’d be for good reason! This non-stop digital age is beginning to take a toll on our health. So developing a routine […]
May 4, 2019
I’ll go on the record saying I HATE Wearables! But… For Having: Readiness Score Deep Sleep REM Sleep Sleep Latency Heart Rate Variability Resting Heart Rate Body Temperature Respiratory Rate Activity/Steps/Miles/Intensity From the Night before waiting for me each morning… I think I’ll make an exception 😏 👇See Why👇 Referenced Posts Why You Need SleepNervous […]
Apr 27, 2019
What’s the point of a LONG LIFE if you can’t enjoy it to the very fullest…. Enter HealthSpan! Way before the prosperous times of today, our ancestors (and early organisms for that matter) main innate objective was survival. Fast forward to present day, I’d say this objective remains atop the greater populations to-do list….. The […]
Apr 13, 2019
Just as we touched on optimizing something we do for One-Third of our life last week (Sleep) We’re now on the topic of something that probably takes up another THIRD of our LIFE (At least between the ages of 24-60) ….. WORK! Depending on your situation, your current occupation may be a touchy subject, and […]
Jan 13, 2019
“5 More Minutes….” “Why Are you doing this to me?” “There’s Gotta be some other way!” Ahh, that ever so pleasant conversation you have with yourself every morning, as you flail your arms, in hopes of causing severe harm to that default melody projecting from your smart companion (aka cell phone). A tradition like no […]
Dec 17, 2018
How many times have you asked yourself this very question about luck? Have you made it for yourself, or do you keep blindly crossing your fingers, hoping that next scratch-off will be the one that changes everything?
Aug 12, 2018
Five Hundred and fifty propellerheads crowded the walls of the grand ballroom, flown in from all around the world, to learn from and collaborate with each-other. For those not attune to the terminology, a propellerhead is an engineer. Overly analytical and particularly blunt by nature, gathered to share and bring truths to the folk tales […]
Jul 22, 2018
In a game where every inch counts, teams will do anything and everything to find some sort of competitive edge. Those who achieve championship status tend to have a lot going for them, from elite talent and superior strength, to masterful coaching and elaborate execution. But all of those are table stakes at the highest […]