May 20, 2018
“Are they Bigger than Us?” “Yes” “Are they Stronger than Us?” “You bet Ya” “Are they Tougher?” “I dont know, they’re pretty tough, We’re pretty tough….It’s Close” “But….Will they work harder than us”? “That’s up to you, and that’s what matters” “We’ve go sixty minutes, that’s it. A lot is going to happen, momentum can […]
Apr 22, 2018
It was wet, air heavy, mist pronounced, as if it were a distinguished guest upon opening the truck doors. That first deep breath was only a warmup for what was to come. A jacket, Hah! Not gonna need it where we’re going. The hollow ding of metal-on-metal led our eyes to the flag perched high, […]
Apr 2, 2018
Final minute, the offense settles and begins whipping the ball around the perimeter, our heads followed, as if we were cats tracking a rubber mouse being whirled around a mechanical wheel. We’re up by one but we all know that can change in the blink of an eye. My six teammates and I bark commands, […]
Nov 19, 2017
“Times, they are a changing” -some movie or famous person… One thing that always stays consistent is an animals natural instinct to survive through all this change. Technology is affecting every aspect of our lives, giving us power that no prior generation could even dream of…….”Knowledge”, 24/7, at our fingertips. We’ve been given access to […]
Nov 14, 2017
Let’s start off and level-set here, I am not a nutritionist, doctor, certified fitness trainer or respected member of the scientific community. I am a common person (crazy right), an engineer by day and health guinea pig by night (ok, I guess by day too). Growing up in the nineties and 2000’s, my generation began […]