Would You Just Spit It Out Already….Fat That Is
PI-Some of the water produced as the body consumes fat exits in the usual way, through your urine and sweat. But a 2014 study in the British Medical Journal found that most of the byproducts of fat (including all that carbon dioxide) leaves the body through the respiratory system. Yep, you read that right. […]
A Day in the Life : A Pill
It’s about time we take a look into the fabulous life of these mini magicians. The majority of the US population is wetting their palate with at least one prescription daily. Our friends at the Mayo Clinic are throwing these numbers out there: “Nearly 70 percent of Americans are on at least one prescription drug, […]
A Good Hotel Never Has a Bad Gym
Workout of the Week – Back At It
Big Pull day with three Back classics…..I like to break the reps up into smaller achievable sets but that’s just me. Clocks On, its you vs. yourself, Ready-Set-Go! 3 Exercises / 300 Reps / For Time What you need Pull-Up Bar Barbell with 70% Body Weight The Motion(s): Dead Hang Pull-Up’s – 100 reps […]
Studies are Trickling Out on E-Cigs and…..Yikes
So the evidence is beginning to trickle out to confirm what we kinda already knew. Those cool vapes and E-Cigs with all the flavors and good smells may not be the best alternative to smoking. IN FACT, take a gander at the comment below: In a study published in January 2015 in The New England Journal of Medicine, […]
Vegan or Vegetarian? Cool! Still Doesn’t Mean Your Healthier
Eliminating meat from a terrible diet doesn’t really make it any healthier, according to a study released today in the Journal of the American College of Cardiology. In fact, the study found that participants whose mostly-plant-based diets (think vegetarian or vegan) included a lot of processed foods, such as sugary beverages and French fries, were […]
I have a Fever……And the Only Prescription is More Fiber
A diet of fiber-rich foods, such as fruits and vegetables, reduces the risk of developing diabetes, heart disease and arthritis. Indeed, the evidence for fiber’s benefits extends beyond any particular ailment: People who eat more of it simply have lower odds of dying. Full Read Fiber is to normal humans what the cowbell is to […]
Workout of the Week – New Year Same Hard Work
Your Crew Totally Crushed it Last Night……Right?
Jan 1st, 2018 BABY! Up at sunrise to start checking each resolution off the list, one by one. Workout, new diet, side hustle, personal goals, just pure domination all day! Everything’s going as planned and your already making 2018 your bitch. And last night…totally crushed it Charlie Sheen isn’t the only one Winning…….Am it […]
Everything’s “Dirty”….. Deal With It
We are talking about kitchen sponges. The very thing that you use to “clean up” after a meal or snack contains the second highest load of coliform bacteria in the whole house, after your drain traps. A new study by researchers at several institutions in Germany investigates the role of kitchen sponges and their capability […]
How to Hold-On during the Holiday Sugar Rush
Most of the food we eat is quickly broken down in the high-acidity environment of the stomach, then absorbed there and in our small intestines. But fiber survives this entire process and makes its way to the colon unscathed, where it’s feasted upon by resident bacteria of the large intestine. Consequently, the more fiber we […]
Elite Athletes are Focusing their Attention to Nutrition and one Diet Sticks Out
This movement is beginning to become more and more real. What started out as lifestyles for extreme health and animal advocates (or try-hard celebrities) is moving its way into the sports world in a big way. With an increasing amount of conclusive studies and heightened awareness in the media, we’ve seen more and more […]
Are the articles you see about specific foods preventing disease true? Or Just Click Bait?????
Eating plenty of fruits and veggies is probably the single most important piece of advice that most Americans ignore on a daily basis. As a country, we eat woefully little roughage, and it is undoubtedly hurting our health. But any story that claims eating more [insert fruit or veggie here] will directly prevent you […]
Trick Italians with this Hearty Protein Packed Veggie Lasagna
As my high school world history teacher would say ” Take Chances, Make Mistakes, Get Messy”, we kept that advice handy as we went after this vegetable lasagna, highlighted by: Homemade Tomato Sauce, Green Lentil Noodles, Almond Ricotta, Cashew Mutz and Veggies throughout. Didn’t know how it was gonna play out for a large Italian […]