1Nov 30, 2024
You need go no further than “sweating alittle” yourself, to realize that exercise has some pretty powerful “feel good” effects. And that is often attributed to the immense biochemical shift that takes place every time you move your badonka-donk in an intentional and methodical way. This includes the release of metabolic boosting myokines, inflammation reducing […]
2Aug 17, 2024
There are ALOT of things we know about the human body, and that list, thanks to science, has continued to grow rapidly with each year that passes. However, when it comes to the 5lb mushy membrane which sits within the dark confines of our cranial cabinets, it’s still very much that, a black box. With […]
3Jun 3, 2023
100 Billion…. …is the modest number of neurons the average, soon-to-be intelligent walking ape comes equipped with at the start of this thing called life… A Number which shrinks by design, being pruned to about 80-90 billion by early adulthood. It is HERE, these “Oh So Critical” brain and nervous system cells which facilitate the […]
4Mar 18, 2023
I’m not gonna lie, the Idea of spinning up new brain cells is quite compelling. Being able to add cognition on-demand to support whatever endeavor we’re currently chasing, while keeping neurons refreshed, renewed and healthy for the long run… I mean Come-On…. Seems like a biological NO BRAINER, Right? Well, as nice as it sounds […]