May 7, 2021
If you want to be successful on your Longevity Quest…. YOUR GUT and the Trillions of Bacteria that call it home CANNOT be ignored……. The integrity of your gut wall and the communities of micro-organisms that lease real estate throughout your bowels, have a DIRECT impact on not only your Day-to-Day feel, mood, cognition, cellular […]
Jun 5, 2020
With all the focus on Starting and Maintaining your Fasting Protocol. There’s a good chance you’re probably overlooking this Critical Point….. How to Transition OFF….Especially back from a “More Extreme” protocol like ADF. Personally, I’ve been experimenting with several different IF and TRF protocols over the past few years, starting with a 16:8, moving to […]
Apr 24, 2020
It’s gotta be a myth, right? An old folk tale! How could it be humanly possible to GAIN Weight while following a strategy where you limit the daily (or weekly) window that you Eat…. Well…… There ARE, in fact, a few forces that can enact this evil sorcery upon the modern Faster….. Here are FOUR […]
Mar 20, 2020
The Liver is what many would call the “Master Regulator” when it comes to Energy Homeostasis That makes it a prime “target area” for Change following any fasting intervention… What type of CHANGE are we talking? Alterations in Glucose Tolerance Insulin Sensitivity Growth Hormone Levels & Inflammation To name a few… Check Out the FULL […]
Feb 7, 2020
Ever Wonder How Meal Timing, Alternate Day Fasting, Prolonged Fasting, and BOOZE Affect Your Sleep…….. We touch on it All in this Full-Year Recap of tracking the “Objective Data” and correlating it with “Subjective Feel“. The funny thing was, after a few months… The “Subjective Feel” Was able to accurately estimate the “Objective Data“ Whoa!…I […]
Jan 3, 2020
As I surpass the four-month mark in my Alternate Day Fasting experiment, I figure it’s time to address the “ironic” monkey in the room. Why the hell am I sooo damn tired after eating, and sooo damn awake after fasting (~24-45 hours)? Shouldn’t it be the other way around? See why this beautiful example of […]
Nov 15, 2019
Never would I have guessed that entering a prolonged fast would be substantially less painful then exiting it. With four 5-7 Day Fasts under my belt, I’ve basically anointed myself an honorary veteran, turning my attention to the important things, like which mineral water sponsorships i’d go with for 2020. Just when I thought I […]
Nov 8, 2019
The fitness wearable market is a 26 billion dollar behemoth. The devices keep getting smaller, the data continues to get more granular and people across the world (hopefully) are taking action! Using this information to drive healthy change in their lives! AND THAT IS AWESOME! But, is there a point where the data provided from […]
Oct 18, 2019
How many times have you wanted to try something out but you just keep telling yourself you’ll start after… “Fill in Bullshit timeline here” ? That was the exact path I was heading down as I discussed trying out Alternate Day Fasting(ADF) about a month ago. Video Evidence HERE. Luckily, I sniffed out my own […]
Sep 6, 2019
I’m Not Gonna Sugar Coat it… Alternate Day Fasting seems like it would be tough…. But the Research is PRETTY Darn Intriguing…. If You’re a Longevity Geek Like ME 
PS – Don’t Eat Sugar Referenced Posts Fasting 101Intermittent Fasting GuideShould You Eat Earlier?170 Hour WATER ONLY FastFasting and SleepIt’s a Longevity GameCellular Magic What’s […]