Aug 19, 2022
It’s often forgotten that we have evolved for hundreds of thousands of years as modern humans and millions of years as primates living in accordance to that big flaming supernova up in the sky…. THE Facilitator of all things life as we know it……. THE SUN. And as a byproduct, we have deep biological programing […]
Sep 18, 2020
We’ve known for a while that “Shift-Work” is associated with some less than desirable health conditions. So much so that the WHO (World Health Organization) has identified it as a probable Carcinogen (aka something that causes Cancer). The Scary thing here is the fact that you DON’T need to “Officially” be working the midnight shift […]
Sep 2, 2018
Sleep is inherent with lifestyle, how and when we get it typically correlates with the current stage of life we find ourselves in. Need a quick recap? When you were a child, your sleep was most likely dictated by your parents, you had set bedtime hours with the occasional “stay up late” reward. Transitioning to […]