Oct 5, 2024
Whenever you embark on a quest for improvement, a key first step is to always identify those “critical path” items which the improvement can-not take place without. For example, if you want to wake-up feeling refreshed and restored, you better have a good bed time routine. And interestingly, this methodology also translates quite nicely to […]
Apr 17, 2023
When it comes to the most mind-numbing condition on the Planet, PREVENTION is the only Treatment….. At least at time of this writing in 2023. In other words, despite Billions of dollars being flooded into research on Neurodegeration each year, there has been NO success in identifying a way to reverse the condition. A way […]
May 17, 2022
What If I told you the secret to keeping your brain operating efficiently in your 70’s, 80’s & 90’s was to WORK it and Rest it (in a Good Way) in your 30s, 40,s & 50s… One of the scariest conditions we modern intelligent walking apes face as we age is the slow deterioration of […]
Apr 23, 2021
I know what you’re thinking….. Why would a 30-Year Old, Healthy Individual spend their time and energy building a strategy to a prevent a disease that will not present itself for another 40+ years……. Simple….. When it comes to neurodegeneration, by the time symptoms show themselves…. It’s Too LATE And that makes it a Game […]
May 29, 2020
Sleep is Essential… There’s a reason why it’s stuck around over a few 100 Million Years of Evolution. Yet, for much of modern history, its powers have been a mystery. Well, the code is beginning to be cracked! Modern science is all-in on uncovering its hidden secrets and exposing how COOL laying unconscious in our […]