Dec 7, 2021
“The first principle is that you must not fool yourself, and you are the easiest person to fool.” Noble prize winning Physicist Richard Feynman brings up a pretty good point…. Our BIAS is ALWAYS at Play…… Whether we know it or not…… Influencing and swaying our decisions behind the scenes…. Kinda like an invisible cognitive […]
Jul 3, 2020
Ever Wonder what Health & Longevity Secrets are Shared Across 100-Year-Old People 🤔 According to the research, these Gandalf-resembling gems are not special because they live longer once they get a disease… In-fact, they die from the same diseases that people who are 20-to-30 years younger than them die from…. They are special because they […]
Dec 6, 2019
Your Genetic Code is yours for Life (at least for now) And It’s Important… BUT…. Modern research is finding that Genetic Expression (the on/off switch for the specific gene) & Epigenetic’s (the biological/environmental factors that trigger that switch) may be what TRULY Matters 😲 Watch & See How to Go Express Ya’ Genetic Self! 🧬😏🧬 […]