Early Eating For Longevity | What’s the BEST Strategy?
I feel like we’re at a inflection point in the Health and Longevity field where Circadian Rhythms MUST be considered when building a strategy to bring out the VERY BEST of our Biological Wiring…. A similar point to which Mugatu was in when he just could NOT deny that Hansel was the undeniable Future in […]

Is Early Time Restricted Eating is Better than Later | New Research
Imagine a scenario where two groups of Healthy individuals followed the same 16:8 Daily Fasting Protocol… 16 Hours of Fasting , 8 Hours of Feeding Each and every day…. The only difference being the “Time of Day” their Feeding windows land….. One Early, Finishing energy consumption by 3pm in the afternoon…. The Other Late, accommodating […]

Another Reason to EAT an Early Dinner | MELATONIN May IMPAIR Insulin Secretion
Melatonin has long been associated with sherpa-ing us humans into Dreamland….. But little-beknownst to many this master Sleep Hormone lives a double life…. A life which includes, scavenging Free-Radicals, inducing DNA repair systems, modulating the immune system, preventing Tumor Growth and even Influencing our Metabolism… So just like any other KEY bodily signaling molecule, we […]

Can Early Intermittent Fasting (eTRF) improve Heart Health?
Could there be some unknown truth to the old saying: “Eat Breakfast like a king; lunch like a prince; dinner like a pauper. When it comes to cardio-metabolic bio-markers and overall heart health….quite possibly… The data continues to trickle out, displaying the cellular and metabolic benefits for early feeding windows….. challenging the standard “later in […]

One YEAR of EARLY OMAD Intermittent Fasting |
Well, We Made it…… One FULL Year of Eating ONE MEAL A DAY….. The EARLY Way…. I think that it’s Only Right, we celebrate this self-proclaimed subjective Milestone with a Review of…. The GOOD The BAD The HUNGRY UGLY From the Last 12 Months… Let’s DO THIS! Things I USE Referenced Posts Early Fasting BenefitsBEST […]

Early Time-Restricted Feeding for 2 Years
A few years back – two to be exact – I stumbled upon some leading researchers in the SLEEP and Circadian Biology field challenging societies beliefs that we (humans) should save the biggest meal of our day for dinner… Begging the question… Can EARLY Time-Restricted Feeding & Intermittent Fasting add even MORE benefits to their […]

How to Eat For Longevity
See How a Healthy Diet, Proper Meal Timing and a little Fasting can Make Longevity “Somewhat” Simple! The combinations of Healthy Protocols are Endless, and basically ANYTHING is better than that Standard American Diet (aka the SAD diet). Check it Out 😁 🤙 Referenced Posts It’s a Longevity GameFood Labels 101How to Fast170 Hours NO […]

Entering and Exiting a Prolonged Fast
Never would I have guessed that entering a prolonged fast would be substantially less painful then exiting it. With four 5-7 Day Fasts under my belt, I’ve basically anointed myself an honorary veteran, turning my attention to the important things, like which mineral water sponsorships i’d go with for 2020. Just when I thought I […]

Eating Every Other Day For Six Weeks
How many times have you wanted to try something out but you just keep telling yourself you’ll start after… “Fill in Bullshit timeline here” ? That was the exact path I was heading down as I discussed trying out Alternate Day Fasting(ADF) about a month ago. Video Evidence HERE. Luckily, I sniffed out my own […]

How Alternate Day Fasting May Impact Longevity
I’m Not Gonna Sugar Coat it… Alternate Day Fasting seems like it would be tough…. But the Research is PRETTY Darn Intriguing…. If You’re a Longevity Geek Like ME 🤓🤓 PS – Don’t Eat Sugar Referenced Posts Fasting 101Intermittent Fasting GuideShould You Eat Earlier?170 Hour WATER ONLY FastFasting and SleepIt’s a Longevity GameCellular Magic What’s […]

A Day of PLANT Based EARLY Time Restricted EATING
Living a Plant Based Life and Wanna dabble with Early Time Restricted Feeding (eTRF)… You’ve Internet Stumbled upon the RIGHT PLACE! Referenced Posts EARLY Time Restricted Feeding Fasting FIELD GUIDE Secret to Healthy Travel Becoming a Morning Person Plant Based KETO VEGAN Fasting Breakdown Do You Practice Intermittent Fasting? 💬 COMMENT BELOW!👇 WHAT ELSE? Weekly […]

Before You Start Intermittent Fasting….
OK – We may not have figured out The Future of Intermittent Fasting… But We Do Just about everything Else in this Video Guide! In the Next 10 Minutes, We Hit it ALL! From why Fasting’s Beneficial, to How YOU can implement it like a Pro! Enjoy! 😏 Referenced Posts Fasting BenefitsShould You Eat Earlier?How […]

Early Time Restricted Eating | Should You Try it?
OK, let’s just pretend that our lives DO NOT revolve around Dinner… You With Me? Ok, Cool! Now that we’ve set up this totally non-realistic scenario, entertain this… It’s pretty commonly accepted that Time-Restricted Feeding (a form of Intermittent Fasting) can be beneficial for the majority of the populations’ health! But have you ever wondered […]