Apr 6, 2024
It might be news to you, but where you live actually has a pretty relevant correlation with your health. That is, of course, until you realize this fact and start owning said health! Let me explain… Studies have trickled out over the last few decades highlighting that an individuals “zip code” may be a bigger […]
Jan 14, 2023
Just as we once didn’t know there was a “Master Clock” within our brain guiding bodily processes and genetic expression over the standard light/darkness cycle we call a 24-hour day…. Turns out many other parts of the body know how to tell time too… But rather than Light and Darkness being their guide, these areas […]
Dec 17, 2022
If we really wanted to get to the bottom of the “it’s my Genes” debate, all we’d really need to do is create an experiment where two genetically identical organisms lived completely opposite lives…. One, living in accordance with all of the healthy habits preached from the longevity mountain tops, while the other lives in-line […]
Oct 17, 2022
It’s estimated that we humans have around 20,000 protein coding genes…… Meaning genes that when “Turned On”…. DO THINGS! “Things”… such as provide the instructions to create the proteins which allow our pretty cool meat suit to function. Kinda Important, and for that reason, there aren’t too many people arguing against our genes being a […]
Feb 1, 2022
What if I told You, there was a tool that could… Delay, and possibly Reverse some of the cellular mechanisms of aging…. A tool that could potentially Make YOU younger on the inside, while you rack-up those “made-up” chronological years on the outside….. A tool which sways the Longevity equation ever in your favor, Helping […]
Mar 5, 2021
I got News for Ya…. Our GENES…… Are OUR GENES! And there’s no Changing that….. At Least for Now….. However, the expression of Said Genes (otherwise know as our Epigenetics) is a WHOLE DIFFERENT Story! Think of this as the ON/OFF switch for your genetic code. Heavily influenced by your lifestyle habits and interaction with […]
Dec 6, 2019
Your Genetic Code is yours for Life (at least for now) And It’s Important… BUT…. Modern research is finding that Genetic Expression (the on/off switch for the specific gene) & Epigenetic’s (the biological/environmental factors that trigger that switch) may be what TRULY Matters 😲 Watch & See How to Go Express Ya’ Genetic Self! 🧬😏🧬 […]