EARLY Intermittent FASTING for BETTER SLEEP Quality | The Data | My Strategy
You ever wake-up completely out of it and wonder what it could possibly be? No Alcohol, No Medications, or staying up late binging on “the latest Netflix drop”…. A feeling that gets YOU Wondering…. Could getting up on the Wrong Side of the Bed actually be a thing……? OR….. Is something else at play here…. […]

Early Time-Restricted Feeding for 2 Years
A few years back – two to be exact – I stumbled upon some leading researchers in the SLEEP and Circadian Biology field challenging societies beliefs that we (humans) should save the biggest meal of our day for dinner… Begging the question… Can EARLY Time-Restricted Feeding & Intermittent Fasting add even MORE benefits to their […]

A Day of PLANT Based EARLY Time Restricted EATING
Living a Plant Based Life and Wanna dabble with Early Time Restricted Feeding (eTRF)… You’ve Internet Stumbled upon the RIGHT PLACE! Referenced Posts EARLY Time Restricted Feeding Fasting FIELD GUIDE Secret to Healthy Travel Becoming a Morning Person Plant Based KETO VEGAN Fasting Breakdown Do You Practice Intermittent Fasting? 💬 COMMENT BELOW!👇 WHAT ELSE? Weekly […]

Early Time Restricted Eating | Should You Try it?
OK, let’s just pretend that our lives DO NOT revolve around Dinner… You With Me? Ok, Cool! Now that we’ve set up this totally non-realistic scenario, entertain this… It’s pretty commonly accepted that Time-Restricted Feeding (a form of Intermittent Fasting) can be beneficial for the majority of the populations’ health! But have you ever wondered […]