Jan 25, 2025
The “Standardized” Daily habits in this modern day are funny, not so much in the “haha” sense, but more so in the ironic nature of their inverse relationship with our health. Let me explain… When you decide to follow the modern norms of, lets say, snacking on processed treats throughout the day, staying up late […]
Jul 27, 2024
One of the unfortunate realities that most people on this beautiful floating rock end-up experiencing is the slow and steady decline of their cognitive function. A condition which at its worst leads to the loss of memories, executive function and even ones sense of self. A fate that most would hesitate to wish on even […]
Mar 9, 2024
The only thing about things that will EVER be consistent with us intelligent walking apes is… They will change! Usually for the better, but as we’ve come to find out, not without a fair share of conundrums along the way. And that, my longevity enthused friends, is what we’re facing right here, right now, when […]
Aug 5, 2023
One of the long-time suspicious associations over the past 50 years has been the dramatic rise in cancer incidents along with the coincidental decrease in daily activity levels. I say “association” because that’s exactly what it is, there is no direct causal link firmly established between the two, but the relationship is getting rather chummy. […]
Jul 4, 2022
It’s pretty clear that things “change” as we spend more time on this beautiful floating rock… This change is an accepted part of life, happening whether we like it or not, across both the external world as well as our internal cellular and metabolic world… But… just because change is inevitable, who says we can’t […]
Nov 29, 2021
You wanna know one of the fastest ways to put your future Longevity at Risk…… Lose Muscle Mass…… And increase Fat Mass….. This combo acts as a one-two kick in the longevity “you know what” which drastically decreases your odds of living as HEALTHY as possible for as LONG as possible…. And it’s became enough […]