Aug 21, 2021
Could there be some unknown truth to the old saying: “Eat Breakfast like a king; lunch like a prince; dinner like a pauper. When it comes to cardio-metabolic bio-markers and overall heart health….quite possibly… The data continues to trickle out, displaying the cellular and metabolic benefits for early feeding windows….. challenging the standard “later in […]
May 7, 2021
If you want to be successful on your Longevity Quest…. YOUR GUT and the Trillions of Bacteria that call it home CANNOT be ignored……. The integrity of your gut wall and the communities of micro-organisms that lease real estate throughout your bowels, have a DIRECT impact on not only your Day-to-Day feel, mood, cognition, cellular […]
Apr 19, 2021
Change is Hard…. This we know…. Especially when it’s change diverting us from habits and lifestyles that we’ve lived for….well, ever. For Example….. The Food we Eat! And depending on where one is in their Life, a change in eating alone may not move the health needle far enough and deliver the results they we’re […]