May 4, 2024
When most people think of “brushing and flossing” they visualize a chore, something they have to do or their dentist will scold them and drill on that bi-yearly visit. However, I can’t help but wonder, if the explanation for why oral hygiene is so important was explained in the broader sense of ones health, if […]
Aug 5, 2022
You ever be searching for something for what feels like thousands of years, just to find it sitting there, right under your nose….. Well…. that’s kinda what’s been happening with the Fountain of Youth… Ya Know, the one that holds the mythical potion to all of our age associated suffering. The one we can only […]
Jan 8, 2022
We live in a world that is finally recognizing what I recognized as a 7-year old watching Rocko’s Modern Life in my pajamas….. Recycling is Cool! Not only that, it’s essential to preserve the health and prosperity of this beautiful floating rock we call home…. And Guess What…. Same goes for the “Pretty Cool Meat […]
Aug 6, 2021
There’s no denying that the world is rapidly evolving around us… Our lives have become easier, supplemented with tools, comfort, food security and technology that nearly negate many of the challenges we humans have faced for the majority of our evolutionary history…. So much so, it may be worth asking, has this secretly wreaked havoc […]
Jul 2, 2021
To Date, a mix of both Human and Animal data has displayed that FASTING may be one of the best Longevity tools we have in the toolbox….. Research showing that it up-regulates several beneficial cellular and metabolic pathways that are advantageous for both Healthspan & Lifespan….. But emerging data suggests it’s benefits may NOT simply […]
Apr 19, 2021
Change is Hard…. This we know…. Especially when it’s change diverting us from habits and lifestyles that we’ve lived for….well, ever. For Example….. The Food we Eat! And depending on where one is in their Life, a change in eating alone may not move the health needle far enough and deliver the results they we’re […]
Dec 5, 2020
There are just some things that come naturally with a Strategy like Intermittent Fasting… More Energy… Better Dance Moves…. And BIGGER Meals… Two of the three above are subject to personal experience …. Regardless, when you implement a Fasting Protocol for Longevity, it should ADD to the other health interventions you’ve already applied, not inhibit […]
Nov 7, 2020
It was only a few months after going fully plant based that I began experimenting with structured feeding windows…and well…hundreds of YouTube Videos later…here we are ;)…. Today we’re gonna look at some things that I wish I knew when I started my fasting journey, specifically a few lesser-known “gotchas” when doing it in a […]
Oct 18, 2020
Just like anything else, implementing an intermittent fasting (or time-restricted feeding) protocol takes a little planning. That is, if you don’t want to start ALL over again 3-weeks later So here we talk about the steps to Safely and Sustainably START an Intermittent Fasting or Time-Restricted Feeding Protocol, tailoring it to your unique lifestyle factors […]
Aug 23, 2020
Did you know that the Average Human Lifespan has decreased for the first time in years…. BUT…. that should be something you worry about after dealing with your average HEALTHSPAN dilemma I do however, have some good news….. You may be able to use intermittent fasting to do just that…. See why and more importantly […]
Jun 18, 2020
If you’ve gotten this far with One Meal a Day (OMAD)… Might as well UNLOCK it’s FULL HEALTH Potential 💪😁🌱 See what you should do…. Referenced Posts OMAD vs ADFADF 6-Week RESULTSIntermittent FastingLongevity EatingSitting vs StandingFasting PlateauYour Microbes & YOUADF and Your LiverIntermittent Fasting GuideTransition OFF FastingFasting & Fiber What Fasting Protocol are YOU Following? […]
May 23, 2020
By now….. If you’ve followed this blog I’m sure you’re aware that fasting has some pretty magical healing powers…… So why don’t more people use it? Well, Because it ain’t EASY….Especially the longer ones…. Until Now (well sorta)… Enter Fasting Mimetics and the Fasting Mimicking Diet(FMD)….. A protocol to Trick your body into thinking it’s […]
Apr 24, 2020
It’s gotta be a myth, right? An old folk tale! How could it be humanly possible to GAIN Weight while following a strategy where you limit the daily (or weekly) window that you Eat…. Well…… There ARE, in fact, a few forces that can enact this evil sorcery upon the modern Faster….. Here are FOUR […]
Apr 17, 2020
Fasting and Fiber (dietary fiber that is) are two health interventions that typically don’t get packaged together… Research suggests that when implemented individually, they move the wellness needle in pretty substantial ways. That makes me wonder (which is dangerous)….What would happen if you mixed the two… and applied it to your everyday life….. I think […]
Apr 10, 2020
Alternate Day Fasting (ADF) and One Meal a Day (OMAD)… They may be a-little EXTREME, But they are also Super POWERFUL…..kinda like my… Never-mind 🙄 After dipping my toes into both protocols for a extended period of time…. Here’s what i’ll tell you…. Referenced Posts ALL THINGS FASTINGADF 6-Week RESULTSLongevity EatingFasting PlateauInflammation & AgingADF and […]