Apr 3, 2021
Most people use a fasting protocol as strategy to improve a particular health circumstance. Which is Awesome, because it works on soo many levels for soo many conditions…… BUT… When we look through the lens of longevity, or extending those truly healthy years of LIFE as far out as humanly possible (otherwise know as Healthspan), […]
Nov 7, 2020
It was only a few months after going fully plant based that I began experimenting with structured feeding windows…and well…hundreds of YouTube Videos later…here we are ;)…. Today we’re gonna look at some things that I wish I knew when I started my fasting journey, specifically a few lesser-known “gotchas” when doing it in a […]
Jun 18, 2020
If you’ve gotten this far with One Meal a Day (OMAD)… Might as well UNLOCK it’s FULL HEALTH Potential 💪😁🌱 See what you should do…. Referenced Posts OMAD vs ADFADF 6-Week RESULTSIntermittent FastingLongevity EatingSitting vs StandingFasting PlateauYour Microbes & YOUADF and Your LiverIntermittent Fasting GuideTransition OFF FastingFasting & Fiber What Fasting Protocol are YOU Following? […]
Apr 24, 2020
It’s gotta be a myth, right? An old folk tale! How could it be humanly possible to GAIN Weight while following a strategy where you limit the daily (or weekly) window that you Eat…. Well…… There ARE, in fact, a few forces that can enact this evil sorcery upon the modern Faster….. Here are FOUR […]
Apr 17, 2020
Fasting and Fiber (dietary fiber that is) are two health interventions that typically don’t get packaged together… Research suggests that when implemented individually, they move the wellness needle in pretty substantial ways. That makes me wonder (which is dangerous)….What would happen if you mixed the two… and applied it to your everyday life….. I think […]
Feb 21, 2020
A few years back – two to be exact – I stumbled upon some leading researchers in the SLEEP and Circadian Biology field challenging societies beliefs that we (humans) should save the biggest meal of our day for dinner… Begging the question… Can EARLY Time-Restricted Feeding & Intermittent Fasting add even MORE benefits to their […]
Feb 14, 2020
Ok…Fasting is good….. We know that following a “Strategic” fasting protocol can (and will) move the needle for many of our health goals. It cleans us from the inside out, at the cellular level, rebalancing many of our “out-of-wack” hormones and giving our digestive system a much-needed break! Up until this point, this magical FREE […]
Dec 27, 2019
See How a Healthy Diet, Proper Meal Timing and a little Fasting can Make Longevity “Somewhat” Simple! The combinations of Healthy Protocols are Endless, and basically ANYTHING is better than that Standard American Diet (aka the SAD diet). Check it Out 😁 🤙 Referenced Posts It’s a Longevity GameFood Labels 101How to Fast170 Hours NO […]
Nov 8, 2019
The fitness wearable market is a 26 billion dollar behemoth. The devices keep getting smaller, the data continues to get more granular and people across the world (hopefully) are taking action! Using this information to drive healthy change in their lives! AND THAT IS AWESOME! But, is there a point where the data provided from […]
Oct 18, 2019
How many times have you wanted to try something out but you just keep telling yourself you’ll start after… “Fill in Bullshit timeline here” ? That was the exact path I was heading down as I discussed trying out Alternate Day Fasting(ADF) about a month ago. Video Evidence HERE. Luckily, I sniffed out my own […]
Oct 4, 2019
Personal Philosophy… Sunny On the Outside…Metabolic Winter on the Inside….. At least a few times a Week The Evidence around Why You May want to Get a little COLD, be a little HUNGRY, And SLEEP a little More, is Pretty Damn Intresting…🤔 Take a Look for Yourselves…. Referenced Posts Food Shop Like a Pro Cellular […]
Sep 6, 2019
I’m Not Gonna Sugar Coat it… Alternate Day Fasting seems like it would be tough…. But the Research is PRETTY Darn Intriguing…. If You’re a Longevity Geek Like ME 🤓🤓 PS – Don’t Eat Sugar Referenced Posts Fasting 101Intermittent Fasting GuideShould You Eat Earlier?170 Hour WATER ONLY FastFasting and SleepIt’s a Longevity GameCellular Magic What’s […]
Jul 26, 2019
OK – We may not have figured out The Future of Intermittent Fasting… But We Do Just about everything Else in this Video Guide! In the Next 10 Minutes, We Hit it ALL! From why Fasting’s Beneficial, to How YOU can implement it like a Pro! Enjoy! 😏 Referenced Posts Fasting BenefitsShould You Eat Earlier?How […]
May 24, 2019
How many times have you scrolled past the phrase “What Doesn’t Kill You, Makes You Stronger” on your Instagram feed over the last year? Don’t Worry… I’ll Wait. Well… There happens to be quite a bit of Biological truth to this. Like literal Harry Potter shit happening inside you every time you say one of […]
Jul 15, 2018
It’s Sunday Funday circa 300,000 years ago, our homo-sapien ancestors all gather around the stone table to decide where they’d like to go for dinner on this family evening. As usual the kids are being difficult – “We had berries and leaves last week” – causing mom to remind them to “live off their fat” […]