Mar 2, 2024
Wouldn’t it be nice if we could just put in half the effort for the same results? Well ironically, this has discreetly been the underlaying theme for us humans over the last 100,000 years or so. A theme which has really accelerated throughout the ongoing enlightenment that started a few thousand years ago. Think about […]
Jul 2, 2021
To Date, a mix of both Human and Animal data has displayed that FASTING may be one of the best Longevity tools we have in the toolbox….. Research showing that it up-regulates several beneficial cellular and metabolic pathways that are advantageous for both Healthspan & Lifespan….. But emerging data suggests it’s benefits may NOT simply […]
Apr 19, 2021
Change is Hard…. This we know…. Especially when it’s change diverting us from habits and lifestyles that we’ve lived for….well, ever. For Example….. The Food we Eat! And depending on where one is in their Life, a change in eating alone may not move the health needle far enough and deliver the results they we’re […]
Oct 23, 2020
OK, we know that Caloric Restriction is King (or Queen) when it comes to moving the Longevity needle (in Animal Models), and that’s awesome! Except for the whole Restriction part… But what is there was an alternate world, a world where we could reap many of these Pro-Longevity effects without any Restriction at all….. I […]
May 23, 2020
By now….. If you’ve followed this blog I’m sure you’re aware that fasting has some pretty magical healing powers…… So why don’t more people use it? Well, Because it ain’t EASY….Especially the longer ones…. Until Now (well sorta)… Enter Fasting Mimetics and the Fasting Mimicking Diet(FMD)….. A protocol to Trick your body into thinking it’s […]
Feb 14, 2020
Ok…Fasting is good….. We know that following a “Strategic” fasting protocol can (and will) move the needle for many of our health goals. It cleans us from the inside out, at the cellular level, rebalancing many of our “out-of-wack” hormones and giving our digestive system a much-needed break! Up until this point, this magical FREE […]