May 11, 2024
Here’s the thing about your Gut Bacteria… Although they play a critical role in the overall function of your pretty cool meat suit, producing essential metabolites and compounds which optimize the function of your many organ systems within, they’re not here to help you. They’re here to USE you…. As a host. They are a […]
Sep 10, 2023
If I were to tell you that the barely understood complexities of the human mind is somehow influenced by little microscopic non-self organisms which take-up residence in your intestinal lining… You’d ask what science fiction flick I was referencing… In which I would “Oh So Pleasantly” get to inform you that there is NO science […]
Jul 29, 2023
It’s no longer a secret that the trillions of micro-organisms which live in and on US have their tentacles of wisdom in just about every biological processes that we have… However, I never really made the connection that their day-to-day influence may be one of the major factors which modulates the speed in which we […]
Sep 3, 2021
Say you’re feeling under the weather….. what do you do? Easy… Go to the Doctor of course…. And more times than not, the outcome from that sub 15-minute interaction is… A Prescription. To make whatever it is……. ALL Better, right? Well…. Let’s say that prescription was a Broad Spectrum Antibiotic, a treatment that has been […]
Sep 20, 2019
In this Full Microbiome Review, We cover A Whole lotta💩….. Get it😏 I’ve written quite a bit about the Microbiome over the past few years, yet, somehow I’m still just as bad at pronouncing all the bacteria species names Anyhow, I thought it may be useful to present some of the interesting research I’ve come […]
Jan 18, 2018
HHP- Interest is also developing in the so-called “brain-gut axis.” It has been theorized that changes in intestinal bacteria may play a role in neuropsychiatric conditions such as anxiety or depression. The intestine has its own separate nervous system, and generates many of the same neurotransmitters (including acetylcholine and serotonin) that the brain generates. These […]