Jul 19, 2024
When you think of the characteristic we humans define as “Resiliency”, or our ability to not stress, bounce back, keep our cool, get knocked down and get back up again…. I’d bet the very last biological system that comes to mind is the trillions of non-self organisms which dwell in the smelly confines of your […]
Jun 8, 2024
We all know that when it comes to feeling good, Nutrition is important. Explaining why the majority of people in this modern ultra-processed world walk around feeling the exact opposite of it. And thanks to modern science, we now know that this under-nutrition goes much deeper than energy-in and energy-out. In fact, most of us […]
Feb 24, 2024
One thing that’s quite clear in this modern world is the fact that we don’t stress like we used to. For example, thousands of years ago it was common for us homo sapiens be wary of physical danger at EVERY waking moment. However, in present day most (luckily) have the security of living in a […]
Jan 6, 2024
There is something truly special about the brain in childhood. It’s the time period of rapid plasticity and pruning of neurons. The developmental period where brain structure is formed and connectivity between these different regions are solidified and customized… Ultimately paving the way for the composition of our adult minds. Which would make anything that […]
Nov 25, 2023
It is well documented that our Microbiome, or the trillions of micro-organisms which live within us, is NOT what it used to be. As the health and diversity of these creepy crawlers has diminished quite a bit since our hunter gatherer origins. And that may not seem like a BIG Deal… Until, you realize that […]
Sep 10, 2023
If I were to tell you that the barely understood complexities of the human mind is somehow influenced by little microscopic non-self organisms which take-up residence in your intestinal lining… You’d ask what science fiction flick I was referencing… In which I would “Oh So Pleasantly” get to inform you that there is NO science […]
Sep 3, 2021
Say you’re feeling under the weather….. what do you do? Easy… Go to the Doctor of course…. And more times than not, the outcome from that sub 15-minute interaction is… A Prescription. To make whatever it is……. ALL Better, right? Well…. Let’s say that prescription was a Broad Spectrum Antibiotic, a treatment that has been […]
Apr 17, 2020
Fasting and Fiber (dietary fiber that is) are two health interventions that typically don’t get packaged together… Research suggests that when implemented individually, they move the wellness needle in pretty substantial ways. That makes me wonder (which is dangerous)….What would happen if you mixed the two… and applied it to your everyday life….. I think […]
Sep 20, 2019
In this Full Microbiome Review, We cover A Whole lotta💩….. Get it😏 I’ve written quite a bit about the Microbiome over the past few years, yet, somehow I’m still just as bad at pronouncing all the bacteria species names Anyhow, I thought it may be useful to present some of the interesting research I’ve come […]
Jun 28, 2019
All the hype in this over-information world has been around PROBIOTICS But I’m here to tell you why you may want to pay closer attention to its little brother…PREBIOTICS See why the Wall we should be Building is our GUT WALL! Spoiler: The Post may or may not be filled with Donald Trump references…. Referenced […]