May 7, 2018
A real Balance and Mobility tester here. Keep the kettle weight light, Engage the Core and embrace the tips, turns and falls. Balance is Important but… Re-Balance is the name of the Game…. 6 Exercises / 4 Rounds / 35-40 Mins What you need: Kettlebell (8-16Kg) The Motion(s): Kettlebell Rows – 50 Reps Kettle […]
Apr 23, 2018
Grab your Plate (or Plates) and Get Serving 5 Exercises / 4 Rounds / 30 Mins What you need: Plates (25lb – 45lb) Friendly Attitude …..Because we Pride ourselves on Customer Service The Motion(s): Plate Overhead Squat– 10 Reps Dynamic Reverse Lunge/ Glute Extension (Left) – 10 Reps Spider Man – Plate Mountain Climbers – […]
Apr 16, 2018
Grab your partner and Doe-See-Doe….In this case they happen to be a Barbell and KettleBell……. Side-note they’re both better dancers than me 😢😢😢 5 Exercises / 4 Rounds / 40 Mins What you need: Barbell w/Plates Kettlebell Folk Music The Motion(s): Kettle Complex – One Per Side Deadlift Clean Clean & Press Snatch Swing/Snatch Inside […]
Mar 19, 2018
On the Road Again? I have yet to see a hotel room that doesn’t have a 6×6 Sq.Ft. space and a Wall, So Get er Done! 4 Exercises / 20 Rounds / 30-40 Mins What you need: 6×6 Sq.Ft. Space Wall The Motion(s): 40-2 Lunge Ladder COMPLETE 40 REVERSE LUNGES 30 SECOND PLANK 30 SECOND […]
Feb 12, 2018
Minimal Equipment – Maximum Burn 7 Exercises / 4 Rounds / 30 Mins What you need: Bench 10-45 lb plates The Motion(s): Circuit (4 rounds) Open Hand Front Squat – 10 Reps Pistol Squat (Right)– 5 Reps Pistol Squat (Left) – 5 Reps Burpee/ Bench Push-Up /Jump- 10 Reps Lateral Bench Shuffle – 30 […]
Feb 11, 2018
PS -“It’s very well known that air pollution can affect respiratory function or health. But it’s not as well known that it can also affect the brain,” says Younan. Over the past decade, scientists started to note mounting evidence that suggests inhaling polluted air is toxic to the brain. That is slowly being linked to […]
Feb 9, 2018
NYT – The Chilean government, facing skyrocketing rates of obesity, is waging war on unhealthy foods with a phalanx of marketing restrictions, mandatory packaging redesigns and labeling rules aimed at transforming the eating habits of 18 million people. Nutrition experts say the measures are the world’s most ambitious attempt to remake a country’s food culture, […]
Feb 7, 2018
NW– The theory that weight problems could be spread via social networks isn’t new. In 2007, researchers found that people were up to 57 percent more likely to become obese if a friend or family member did the same during a certain period of time. For this study, the team wanted to answer whether living in […]
Jan 19, 2018
Remember when people had two sets of cloths, you know – for when its warm and for when its cold. Life was simple, for those in-between months you’d just take a guess and live a little. Then some real sharp tools in the shed thought: “Hey, we need cloths for all four seasons . Lets […]
Jan 15, 2018
This ones a Brain Child of Mine, Enjoy the trip into my Mind 4 Exercises / 15 Rounds / 20-25 mins What you need: Empowered Individual The Motion(s): 20 yard Max sprint 2 x lunge burpees Side shuffle 20 yards to the right 2 x lunge burpees 20 yards backwards jog 2 x lunge burpees […]
Dec 31, 2017
We are talking about kitchen sponges. The very thing that you use to “clean up” after a meal or snack contains the second highest load of coliform bacteria in the whole house, after your drain traps. A new study by researchers at several institutions in Germany investigates the role of kitchen sponges and their capability […]
Dec 20, 2017
As Barstool Sports continues to win the daily mind share of thousands, one can only think – Whats driving them to their Moon level dominance. With every News and Media outlet trying to shun and box them in, they continue to grow, build their audience, and one-by-one put competing organizations in mental pretzels. There’s only […]
Dec 16, 2017
Belly Fat Ups Odds of Emergency Surgery Trouble MONDAY, Oct. 30, 2017 (HealthDay News) — Excess belly fat dramatically increases the risk of complications and death after emergency surgery, a new study finds. The research included more than 600 patients who had emergency surgery and underwent CT scans of the abdomen and pelvis before surgery. […]
Dec 14, 2017
Are you always tired? Struggling to keep your eyes open at work and not being able to doze off at night? Feel like your constantly carrying sandbags on your shoulders? Its just never your day?…….. And Scene! “Great work everyone! We’ll just throw in a couple of doctors pointing at some papers and CGI some […]
Dec 7, 2017
Multiple times a week I find myself in a breakfast/lunch meeting, either at some corporate event or walking through one of my customers offices onward to my next endeavor. Once I started paying attention it became so clear how some organizations are winning the lunch battle while others are suffocating themselves without even knowing […]