Jun 12, 2020
You know the saying that “everything we need lies within” Well, science is indicating that it may NOT be a load of 💩 At least when it comes to building a Growth “Winning” Mindset. It’s only a matter of pressing the right buttons. Check out how Hacking your Dopamine Reward Pathway may be the trick […]
Aug 16, 2019
“The Idea of Thinking You Can OUTSOURCE Your Health to Someone, and They’ll Give the Same Amount of 💩’s as YOU DO, is Fu*king Preposterous!” More Likely than Not, we’ll all have our day of Battle, Will you be Ready? Referenced Posts Your HEALTH = Your Business It’s a LONGEVITY Game Fasting FIELD GUIDE The […]
Sep 30, 2018
How many time have you sat in a crowded classroom, conference room or auditorium, and been presented a group question from the speaker? As that final word and virtual question-mark traverse the airwaves on a direct flight to our eardrum, the super computer in our skull begins opening up those cranial file cabinets for all […]