May 16, 2021
We Humans Are Living Longer than Ever! And that’s Awesome….. The Not-So-Awesome part comes in when we consider the fact that those extra years are not necessarily great ones….. In Fact, The research suggest that for most, satisfaction with ones life, especially in the final five years is on the decline…. But I’m here to […]
Jul 3, 2020
Ever Wonder what Health & Longevity Secrets are Shared Across 100-Year-Old People 🤔 According to the research, these Gandalf-resembling gems are not special because they live longer once they get a disease… In-fact, they die from the same diseases that people who are 20-to-30 years younger than them die from…. They are special because they […]
Dec 13, 2019
When It comes down to it, no matter what point you’re at in your life, there’s a good chance you have some time before you reach 100. And with that assumption, the question becomes…. Are you properly preparing yourself to not only make it there but to be thriving upon arrival? Pushing the boundaries on […]