Jul 15, 2023
For quite a while now there has been a clear connection between Sleep and Metabolic Health… With the constant observation that chronically insufficient sleep is a causal factor in impairing blood glucose equilibrium. A factor if not resolved, often leads an individual down the path of metabolic disease and dysfunction. Whether it be due to […]
Dec 27, 2022
It may not be to farfetched to say that the global “Intelligent Walking Ape” population as a WHOLE, has never been MORE Metabolically Sick… Meaning, we humans, the species, have never been challenged with the amount of slow-moving cellular and metabolic problems (per capita) at any point in history as we are today…. Ironically the […]
Oct 4, 2021
Let’s start by pondering on some evolutionary theory regarding chronic depression that I stumbled upon a few years back…… It suggests that when the body is in a heighten immune system state, it wants to entice REST……… Down regulating it’s desire and energy to do other things…. Well, how exactly does it do this? And […]
Jan 10, 2020
Our current-day conundrum is …. THE BEST TASTING FOODS… ARE THE ONES SLOWLY KILLING US See How this (Oh to Common) Highly Processed way of Eating CAN (and Probably will) Make YOU SICK over time 🙄🍟😬 Referenced Posts WHAT/WHEN/HOW MUCH to EatIt’s a Longevity GameFood Labels 101How to Fast170 Hours NO FOODEARLY Time-Restricted FeedingAlternate Day […]