Aug 5, 2022
You ever be searching for something for what feels like thousands of years, just to find it sitting there, right under your nose….. Well…. that’s kinda what’s been happening with the Fountain of Youth… Ya Know, the one that holds the mythical potion to all of our age associated suffering. The one we can only […]
Jul 2, 2021
To Date, a mix of both Human and Animal data has displayed that FASTING may be one of the best Longevity tools we have in the toolbox….. Research showing that it up-regulates several beneficial cellular and metabolic pathways that are advantageous for both Healthspan & Lifespan….. But emerging data suggests it’s benefits may NOT simply […]
Apr 19, 2021
Change is Hard…. This we know…. Especially when it’s change diverting us from habits and lifestyles that we’ve lived for….well, ever. For Example….. The Food we Eat! And depending on where one is in their Life, a change in eating alone may not move the health needle far enough and deliver the results they we’re […]
Mar 6, 2020
We’ve all been there before, on CLOUD 9 after seeing the initial byproducts of a healthy change… Nothing compares to watching the results of good old fashion HARD WORK pay off! But, then something happens, something that tests all of our mental and emotional toughness….. a natural phenomenon that makes us all second guess our […]
Nov 15, 2019
Never would I have guessed that entering a prolonged fast would be substantially less painful then exiting it. With four 5-7 Day Fasts under my belt, I’ve basically anointed myself an honorary veteran, turning my attention to the important things, like which mineral water sponsorships i’d go with for 2020. Just when I thought I […]
Sep 6, 2019
I’m Not Gonna Sugar Coat it… Alternate Day Fasting seems like it would be tough…. But the Research is PRETTY Darn Intriguing…. If You’re a Longevity Geek Like ME 🤓🤓 PS – Don’t Eat Sugar Referenced Posts Fasting 101Intermittent Fasting GuideShould You Eat Earlier?170 Hour WATER ONLY FastFasting and SleepIt’s a Longevity GameCellular Magic What’s […]
Jul 26, 2019
OK – We may not have figured out The Future of Intermittent Fasting… But We Do Just about everything Else in this Video Guide! In the Next 10 Minutes, We Hit it ALL! From why Fasting’s Beneficial, to How YOU can implement it like a Pro! Enjoy! 😏 Referenced Posts Fasting BenefitsShould You Eat Earlier?How […]
Jul 12, 2019
OK, let’s just pretend that our lives DO NOT revolve around Dinner… You With Me? Ok, Cool! Now that we’ve set up this totally non-realistic scenario, entertain this… It’s pretty commonly accepted that Time-Restricted Feeding (a form of Intermittent Fasting) can be beneficial for the majority of the populations’ health! But have you ever wondered […]
Jul 5, 2019
OK, we know some type of fasting is probably a good thing…. See HERE and HERE for a refresher… But if it impacts us getting our nightly 8-hours, that could be a deal breaker! So Let’s take a Look and See what REALLY Happens… Referenced Posts Fasting BenefitsHow NOT to SLEEP170 Hour WATER ONLY Fast […]
May 24, 2019
How many times have you scrolled past the phrase “What Doesn’t Kill You, Makes You Stronger” on your Instagram feed over the last year? Don’t Worry… I’ll Wait. Well… There happens to be quite a bit of Biological truth to this. Like literal Harry Potter shit happening inside you every time you say one of […]
Mar 17, 2019
It seems like yesterday… Miserably moping behind my mom, being draged along on whatever boring adult chore was on the docket that day… I’d plead, often turning to the ol‘ “I’m Starving” monologue in a lobfbying attempt for an early departure. And To my satisfaction…. It Worked! That is, once or twice before the jig […]
Jul 15, 2018
It’s Sunday Funday circa 300,000 years ago, our homo-sapien ancestors all gather around the stone table to decide where they’d like to go for dinner on this family evening. As usual the kids are being difficult – “We had berries and leaves last week” – causing mom to remind them to “live off their fat” […]