Jun 1, 2024
We know that there is a growing list of sub optimal biological effects associated with too much added sugar, or the modern way of eating for the majority of the population. We also know, almost all of them are rooted in inducing dysfunction within the most primal part of our cellular machinery. The part responsible […]
Feb 25, 2023
It’s safe to say there is NO “that was easy button” when it comes to creating an internal cellular environment that promotes BOTH Present Day Health and Long Term vitality…… But if we were to point out the next closest thing….It would probably be Daily Exercise. Because it is a straight up LONGEVITY Boosting BEAST […]
Feb 1, 2022
What if I told You, there was a tool that could… Delay, and possibly Reverse some of the cellular mechanisms of aging…. A tool that could potentially Make YOU younger on the inside, while you rack-up those “made-up” chronological years on the outside….. A tool which sways the Longevity equation ever in your favor, Helping […]
Dec 11, 2021
After doing a quick search on the google machine, I was actually taken-back by all the gizmos and gadgets that exist when it comes to deploying Red Light Therapy…. I mean there were hats, masks, towers and even toilet seats…..OK, maybe not that last one… But You get the Point! All this happens to be […]
Sep 3, 2021
Say you’re feeling under the weather….. what do you do? Easy… Go to the Doctor of course…. And more times than not, the outcome from that sub 15-minute interaction is… A Prescription. To make whatever it is……. ALL Better, right? Well…. Let’s say that prescription was a Broad Spectrum Antibiotic, a treatment that has been […]
May 22, 2021
When was the last time you paid attention to how you actually eat….? The last time you consciously thought about chewing….. Or better question, have you EVER thought about it? What about the position you’re in while eating? Don’t worry if your answer to all of these questions is “Never”, that just means your right […]
Apr 9, 2021
Answer Me This…. If you had to spend 1/3 of your life dedicated to a certain activity, No Debating, No Questions Asked….. And this activity happened to have a DIRECT impact on your day-to-day Mood and Function. Would you try and maximize this mandatory time … Making it Time Well Spent? Or….. Drag yourself through […]
Mar 5, 2021
I got News for Ya…. Our GENES…… Are OUR GENES! And there’s no Changing that….. At Least for Now….. However, the expression of Said Genes (otherwise know as our Epigenetics) is a WHOLE DIFFERENT Story! Think of this as the ON/OFF switch for your genetic code. Heavily influenced by your lifestyle habits and interaction with […]
Dec 18, 2020
You’ve Heard it…. I’ve Heard it….. We’ve ALL HEARD IT….. But what does it really mean? And How Does it Actually WORK? I’m talking about the age-old Health adage…. GOOD FOOD = GOOD MOOD So Let’s Break it Down, Exploring How the FOOD we Eat impacts our feelings of Anxiety, Depression & Happiness….. Because we […]
Nov 13, 2020
Whether you want to believe it or not, WE HUMANS are totally capable of feeling physically & mentally refreshed, rejuvenated, and otherwise great Each and Every Day…… The Sad truth is, many people accept the modern-day status-quo of feeling tired, achy, and stressed instead… BUT NOT ANYMORE ! See how I use these FOUR Morning […]
May 23, 2020
By now….. If you’ve followed this blog I’m sure you’re aware that fasting has some pretty magical healing powers…… So why don’t more people use it? Well, Because it ain’t EASY….Especially the longer ones…. Until Now (well sorta)… Enter Fasting Mimetics and the Fasting Mimicking Diet(FMD)….. A protocol to Trick your body into thinking it’s […]
Mar 20, 2020
The Liver is what many would call the “Master Regulator” when it comes to Energy Homeostasis That makes it a prime “target area” for Change following any fasting intervention… What type of CHANGE are we talking? Alterations in Glucose Tolerance Insulin Sensitivity Growth Hormone Levels & Inflammation To name a few… Check Out the FULL […]
Feb 21, 2020
A few years back – two to be exact – I stumbled upon some leading researchers in the SLEEP and Circadian Biology field challenging societies beliefs that we (humans) should save the biggest meal of our day for dinner… Begging the question… Can EARLY Time-Restricted Feeding & Intermittent Fasting add even MORE benefits to their […]
Feb 14, 2020
Ok…Fasting is good….. We know that following a “Strategic” fasting protocol can (and will) move the needle for many of our health goals. It cleans us from the inside out, at the cellular level, rebalancing many of our “out-of-wack” hormones and giving our digestive system a much-needed break! Up until this point, this magical FREE […]
Feb 7, 2020
Ever Wonder How Meal Timing, Alternate Day Fasting, Prolonged Fasting, and BOOZE Affect Your Sleep…….. We touch on it All in this Full-Year Recap of tracking the “Objective Data” and correlating it with “Subjective Feel“. The funny thing was, after a few months… The “Subjective Feel” Was able to accurately estimate the “Objective Data“ Whoa!…I […]