Nov 22, 2021
Melatonin has long been associated with sherpa-ing us humans into Dreamland….. But little-beknownst to many this master Sleep Hormone lives a double life…. A life which includes, scavenging Free-Radicals, inducing DNA repair systems, modulating the immune system, preventing Tumor Growth and even Influencing our Metabolism… So just like any other KEY bodily signaling molecule, we […]
Aug 6, 2021
There’s no denying that the world is rapidly evolving around us… Our lives have become easier, supplemented with tools, comfort, food security and technology that nearly negate many of the challenges we humans have faced for the majority of our evolutionary history…. So much so, it may be worth asking, has this secretly wreaked havoc […]
Jul 2, 2021
To Date, a mix of both Human and Animal data has displayed that FASTING may be one of the best Longevity tools we have in the toolbox….. Research showing that it up-regulates several beneficial cellular and metabolic pathways that are advantageous for both Healthspan & Lifespan….. But emerging data suggests it’s benefits may NOT simply […]
Apr 19, 2021
Change is Hard…. This we know…. Especially when it’s change diverting us from habits and lifestyles that we’ve lived for….well, ever. For Example….. The Food we Eat! And depending on where one is in their Life, a change in eating alone may not move the health needle far enough and deliver the results they we’re […]
Apr 3, 2021
Most people use a fasting protocol as strategy to improve a particular health circumstance. Which is Awesome, because it works on soo many levels for soo many conditions…… BUT… When we look through the lens of longevity, or extending those truly healthy years of LIFE as far out as humanly possible (otherwise know as Healthspan), […]
Mar 12, 2021
Ever Wonder What the BEST Fasting Protocol actually is? If you search the google machine, you’ll find there is no shortage in options: 10:14 16:8 18:6 2MAD (Two Meals a Day) OMAD (One Meal a Day) Alternate Day Fasting 5:2 Weekly Fast 6:1 Weekly And a Prolonged Fast Spanning from 36hours and Beyond But How […]
Feb 26, 2021
Did You Know, the BIGGEST Organ in/on our Body is….. Our SKIN Me Neither…. And when I found out that this often overlooked & neglected organ comprises an astonishing 20% of our total body-weight… I felt even WORSE! But…. it doesn’t STOP there, Let’s not overlook that it: Acts as our Physical Barrier from the […]
Feb 19, 2021
Well, We Made it…… One FULL Year of Eating ONE MEAL A DAY….. The EARLY Way…. I think that it’s Only Right, we celebrate this self-proclaimed subjective Milestone with a Review of…. The GOOD The BAD The HUNGRY UGLY From the Last 12 Months… Let’s DO THIS! Things I USE Referenced Posts Early Fasting BenefitsBEST […]
Jan 15, 2021
Could it be…. that TWO of our very-best Immune Boosting Strategies are on sale for ummmmm FREE99… Zero Dollar Line-Items on our Health Insurance Policy…. Something that can be accomplished though a little routine & discipline….. I don’t know about You, but sounds like we may be missing the SALE of a Lifetime …. Get […]
Dec 27, 2020
Believe it or not, we’ve been living among Zombies This Whole Time! But You’ll never hear about these inflammatory creatures on the Big Screen – Even though it’d be a pretty entertaining flick – we’re talking about the Zombies Within…. Microscopic Zombies…. Cellular ZOMBIES! And How the Accumulation of these Zombie Cells (otherwise known as […]
Dec 12, 2020
Intuitive eating is about improving Your Relationship with food, about leaning to respect and nourish your body with NO strings attached. Being KIND to Yourself throughout! It’s about kicking restrictions to the curb and Honoring Your TRUE Hunger when it arises….. This Right HERE is a concept that I can Vibe With…. But as YOU […]
Dec 5, 2020
There are just some things that come naturally with a Strategy like Intermittent Fasting… More Energy… Better Dance Moves…. And BIGGER Meals… Two of the three above are subject to personal experience …. Regardless, when you implement a Fasting Protocol for Longevity, it should ADD to the other health interventions you’ve already applied, not inhibit […]
Nov 20, 2020
The common complication I find while talking Fasting….. is the fact that, for many, the primary objective for Implementing the fasting protocol is…….WEIGHT LOSS And I’m cool with that. However, If you’ve been following my channel you know that I focus almost exclusively on the profound benefits it provides in terms of LONGEVITY…. Extending those […]
Oct 9, 2020
I’m sure you may have heard the saying “A productive day starts the night before”… Well, Im’a flip this one back around and Make the argument that a good night’s sleep starts when you wake up! See how things such as: Exercise Caffeine Adenosine Melatonin Stress Blue Light Meal Timing And other common daily activities […]
Oct 2, 2020
Often when I talk about all the common desires people have in regards to their health (i.e weight loss, fat loss, improved physical function, better blood bio-markers, etc…) I refer to them as the byproduct of improving one’s cellular and metabolic health. Essentially getting healthy from the inside-out, at the cellular level. And when we’re […]