91Apr 22, 2023
Truth is, the majority of us intelligent walking apes on this beautiful floating rock will spend a large proportion of our lives working, and that’s not necessarily a bad thing. As it has the potential to be one of the most purpose-driven activities we do. OR, as many people have experienced first-hand, the exact opposite. […]
92Apr 17, 2023
When it comes to the most mind-numbing condition on the Planet, PREVENTION is the only Treatment….. At least at time of this writing in 2023. In other words, despite Billions of dollars being flooded into research on Neurodegeration each year, there has been NO success in identifying a way to reverse the condition. A way […]
93Apr 8, 2023
Living in a world of unlimited fuel being shoveled into the local power plants seems like a good thing, at least at first glance… Charging up ALL the devices in our homes 24/7 with no need to worry about missing the next talking dog video that scrolls-up on our feed. That is, of course until […]
94Apr 1, 2023
Despite what the “I lift things Up and Put them Down” bros on your social media feeds say, Muscle DOES, in fact, DO MORE than make one look cool naked. And I would actually argue that what you see in the mirror is one of the LEAST cool things on muscles resume… This tissue not […]
95Mar 25, 2023
If you were to formulate a list of what modern Homo Sapiens Sapiens (aka Humans) do better than EVERY other species on the planet, there’d be an obvious and non-obvious candidate for number one. The Obvious of-course being “Thinking” with the forgotten, taken for granted step child being “Walking”… Why You Ask? Well, It was […]
96Mar 18, 2023
I’m not gonna lie, the Idea of spinning up new brain cells is quite compelling. Being able to add cognition on-demand to support whatever endeavor we’re currently chasing, while keeping neurons refreshed, renewed and healthy for the long run… I mean Come-On…. Seems like a biological NO BRAINER, Right? Well, as nice as it sounds […]
97Mar 11, 2023
There has LONG been a theory which proposes that the ROOT cause of accelerated wrinkling is driven by little cellular waste products with a radical attitude. Causing chaos and dysfunction at microscopic levels which eventually makes us intelligent walking apes become increasingly tired, sore, achy, weak and Yes, Wrinkly. But just like every “Theory” in […]
98Mar 4, 2023
Ya know that FULL BODY sensation where you feel your heart rate increase, blood vessels tighten, armpits sweat, breath get shallow, mind begin racing, and judgements start flowing… Yeah, it’d be odd if you didn’t… THIS, is the Fight or Flight Response, or scientifically termed the upregulation of the sympathetic nervous system… Except NOTHING about […]
99Feb 25, 2023
It’s safe to say there is NO “that was easy button” when it comes to creating an internal cellular environment that promotes BOTH Present Day Health and Long Term vitality…… But if we were to point out the next closest thing….It would probably be Daily Exercise. Because it is a straight up LONGEVITY Boosting BEAST […]
100Feb 18, 2023
The cold hard truth is… MOST intelligent walking apes on this beautiful floating rock settle with dysfunction. They become expecting and accepting of the “this is just what happens when you get old” narrative to explain being constantly tired, lethargic, achy, moody, sad, anxious, and flat out discontent. Being a victim of never realizing the […]
101Feb 11, 2023
Despite popular belief, NOT ALL Processed Foods are Cellularly & Metabolically Evil… In fact, MOST foods have been altered from their original form to make them more consumable for us humans. This goes for things such as organic produce, high quality meats, wild fish, grains, oils and seasonings… Which ultimately is a Good thing! However, […]
102Feb 4, 2023
When it comes to your daily mood, feel, physical function and cognition, ALL DATA points to YOU, Yes YOU, as being in more control than you think….. Because ALL of these aforementioned states happen to be dictated by daily habits compounded over time….. Meaning, at any point you can hop back in the driver seat […]
103Jan 28, 2023
Are you someone who tends to fall into a negative stress inducing mindset easily, or are you a master of “Going with the flow” ? An important introspective questions to ask… Or at the very least think about when you get the chance… Because as you may or may not have realized, that 5lb mushy […]
104Jan 21, 2023
You would think that being as we humans are made up of over 60% water, we’d be pretty good at replenishing it….. However, that’s before you learn that same percentage is ALSO a safe estimate for the number of adults who walk around the developed world in a dehydrated state…. And we’re not just talking […]
105Jan 14, 2023
Just as we once didn’t know there was a “Master Clock” within our brain guiding bodily processes and genetic expression over the standard light/darkness cycle we call a 24-hour day…. Turns out many other parts of the body know how to tell time too… But rather than Light and Darkness being their guide, these areas […]