Jan 11, 2025
When it comes to modulating our cellular and metabolic self in a health promoting way, it’s pretty rare to come across a compound that can be consistently connected with having a positive impact on a single system. So, when you come across one which seems to do so for several systems, you pay attention. And […]
Aug 31, 2024
You may have never realized it, but that exercise thing the majority of people hate, isn’t just a way to make you look cool naked. In fact, it does quite a bit more… As every time you partake in moving your badonka-donk in an intentional and methodical way, you trigger a biochemical flurry of activity […]
Aug 17, 2024
There are ALOT of things we know about the human body, and that list, thanks to science, has continued to grow rapidly with each year that passes. However, when it comes to the 5lb mushy membrane which sits within the dark confines of our cranial cabinets, it’s still very much that, a black box. With […]
Jun 29, 2024
It is no secret anymore that the trillions of micro-organisims living within our intestinal tubing have quite an impact on our biological function. So much so, that without them, we would NOT be able to operate – cellularly – at our true potential. That being said, having trillions of “Non-Self” entities living within while also […]
Dec 9, 2023
If I were to tell you that we humans spend 30% of our lives taking medications would you be surprised? I for one know It’d certainly get me pondering. That’s why I REALLY had to sit down and process the fact that the average person is actually much MORE reliant on these magic pills! To […]
Aug 26, 2023
Just like so many other things in this aesthetic seeking world, the reasons behind wanting a sparkling pair of pearly whites (aka Teeth) is totally backwards! The true benefits of having a healthy, functional and robust set of chompers is NOT to make people double take in public, crash Instagram’s servers or even gnaw off […]
Jul 12, 2022
You Know the old Saying….. “The best way to ensure your head stays in the clouds…. Is by keeping those FEET are on the GROUND…..” Ohh, ya don’t…. No worries, I literally just made it up…. And at first glance you’re probably thinking it’s an adage to remind you to “Dream BIG” but be humble […]
Jun 4, 2022
It’s easy, in this rapidly moving world to become hyper-focused on adding habit-after-habit to Improve and Transform your health…. And don’t get me wrong, Adding Habits that help take cellular and metabolic function to the Next level are Important! But, many people overlook the power of simply NOT doing things….. OR the concept of DOING […]
Mar 4, 2022
What if I told you that fat accumulation was just ONE BIG misunderstanding…… With origins dating back 50 million years, driven by a few mutations in the genome of early primates (aka our ancestors) which helped them survive the harsh periods of global cooling…. Because Food was NOT Guaranteed….Thus a preference for storing FAT was […]
Nov 22, 2021
Melatonin has long been associated with sherpa-ing us humans into Dreamland….. But little-beknownst to many this master Sleep Hormone lives a double life…. A life which includes, scavenging Free-Radicals, inducing DNA repair systems, modulating the immune system, preventing Tumor Growth and even Influencing our Metabolism… So just like any other KEY bodily signaling molecule, we […]
Sep 27, 2021
Amyloid Beta…… Ever hear of it? This protein is one of the TOP suspects in the development and acceleration of, what I personally believe, is the scariest disease on the market….. Neuro-degeneration It happens to be a common byproduct of cellular metabolism, but is typically cleared, or washed away when our body is operating efficiently…… […]
May 16, 2021
We Humans Are Living Longer than Ever! And that’s Awesome….. The Not-So-Awesome part comes in when we consider the fact that those extra years are not necessarily great ones….. In Fact, The research suggest that for most, satisfaction with ones life, especially in the final five years is on the decline…. But I’m here to […]
Mar 19, 2021
Did YOU Know, that we HUMANS Spend UPWARDS of 90% of our Lives INDOORS. YES…..90% Shielded from the environment that we’ve evolved in for hundreds of thousands of years…. Now, That’s NOT All BAD…… As we don’t need any rigorous research to conclude that having a roof over our heads is GOOD for Survival. BUT, […]
Nov 13, 2020
Whether you want to believe it or not, WE HUMANS are totally capable of feeling physically & mentally refreshed, rejuvenated, and otherwise great Each and Every Day…… The Sad truth is, many people accept the modern-day status-quo of feeling tired, achy, and stressed instead… BUT NOT ANYMORE ! See how I use these FOUR Morning […]
Jul 3, 2020
Ever Wonder what Health & Longevity Secrets are Shared Across 100-Year-Old People 🤔 According to the research, these Gandalf-resembling gems are not special because they live longer once they get a disease… In-fact, they die from the same diseases that people who are 20-to-30 years younger than them die from…. They are special because they […]