Aug 14, 2021
Here’s a little-known Longevity Fact….Mitochondrial Dysfunction happens to be one of the TOP longevity liabilities on the market….. Proving to be, not-only one of the underlying mechanisms of Aging…. But chronic inflammation and metabolic disease(s) across the board…. Damaging these cellular power plants affects not-only the -kinda important task- of energy production, but metabolite conversion […]
May 16, 2021
We Humans Are Living Longer than Ever! And that’s Awesome….. The Not-So-Awesome part comes in when we consider the fact that those extra years are not necessarily great ones….. In Fact, The research suggest that for most, satisfaction with ones life, especially in the final five years is on the decline…. But I’m here to […]
Apr 30, 2021
We, as a society, tend to be pretty good at focusing on the wrong things…. And that is NO DIFFERENT when it comes to Getting Healthy. Where the ONE Metric to Rule them All is…. and Probably Will Always be…. Drum-Roll Please…. Our obsession with Weight Loss….. So Let’s talk about why you should SHIFT […]