May 27, 2023
For anyone who’s attempted to paddle against an oncoming current or bike against the wind, you know that momentum makes ALL the difference. When it’s at your back, it propels you forward to whatever figurative or literal destination you desire. However, when it’s in your purview it acts as a MAJOR opposing force. So why […]
Jan 7, 2023
If there were a Netflix series following a group of microscopic creatures on their quest to take over the world by infiltrating and influencing the thought, feel and function of the alpha species… Even the BIGGEST Sci-Fi geeks may say…. “A little to far-fetched for me”. And that’s a totally fair and rational answer… Only […]
Apr 18, 2022
Did you know…. As we all made our journey out of the womb and into the world, we were greeted by excited, loving creatures that couldn’t wait to get their hands on us… No… Not our parents….. Our Soon to be Microbiome! And from when these first microbes ventured to our new un-inhabited land, to […]
Jul 2, 2021
To Date, a mix of both Human and Animal data has displayed that FASTING may be one of the best Longevity tools we have in the toolbox….. Research showing that it up-regulates several beneficial cellular and metabolic pathways that are advantageous for both Healthspan & Lifespan….. But emerging data suggests it’s benefits may NOT simply […]