May 6, 2018
This past week I went somewhere I haven’t been in a while, some call it Americas favorite pastime, I call it a game of catch. My lacrosse bias is clearly not shy, but I have to admit it was pretty cool going to the Ol’ ballgame, not necessarily because of the game itself but more […]
Apr 29, 2018
Remember sitting high, eye level with that magical spoon of mushy goodness, hearing “Chooo Chooo…Open up, Here comes the Train”. Remember embracing the journey with unmeasurable content or sealing those lips in pure horrid. I don’t, but I can guarantee it happened, so many times in fact, that it’s probably better off that I forgot. […]
Jan 19, 2018
Remember when people had two sets of cloths, you know – for when its warm and for when its cold. Life was simple, for those in-between months you’d just take a guess and live a little. Then some real sharp tools in the shed thought: “Hey, we need cloths for all four seasons . Lets […]