Aug 7, 2020
What If I told You…. You Had One SHOT! One OPPORTUNITY To Have Everything You Ever WANTED…. Wait a Sec…. This Sounds A little Familiar… Did Eminem write “Lose Yourself” based on his experience with Once Meal a Day… Please Excuse Me While I open up an Investigation…. In the meantime, enjoy this “Day in […]
Nov 30, 2019
When individuals who get paid to play a sport begin to adopt a new health and eating lifestyle, it certainly catches my attention. Why? Because in professions where every extra year of a career means millions of dollars… Personal health and well-being may literally be the single most important variable at hand. Staying Healthy is […]
May 24, 2019
How many times have you scrolled past the phrase “What Doesn’t Kill You, Makes You Stronger” on your Instagram feed over the last year? Don’t Worry… I’ll Wait. Well… There happens to be quite a bit of Biological truth to this. Like literal Harry Potter shit happening inside you every time you say one of […]
Apr 27, 2019
What’s the point of a LONG LIFE if you can’t enjoy it to the very fullest…. Enter HealthSpan! Way before the prosperous times of today, our ancestors (and early organisms for that matter) main innate objective was survival. Fast forward to present day, I’d say this objective remains atop the greater populations to-do list….. The […]
Apr 20, 2019
No Hard Feelings Whole Foods Cambridge St…… For what it’s worth, the store was Solid!…..Until 👞😱 Boston…Let’s Go! SHOW Links: LAS VEGAS Baltimore Inner Harbor Whole Foods LONG ISLAND Whole Foods Columbia, MD What Else! Weekly Workouts Finding Balance BlogWeekly Health Videos Social: YoutubeInstagramFacebook Twitter PS – It’s a Great Day to Have a Great […]