Aug 14, 2021
Here’s a little-known Longevity Fact….Mitochondrial Dysfunction happens to be one of the TOP longevity liabilities on the market….. Proving to be, not-only one of the underlying mechanisms of Aging…. But chronic inflammation and metabolic disease(s) across the board…. Damaging these cellular power plants affects not-only the -kinda important task- of energy production, but metabolite conversion […]
Jan 17, 2020
I’ve got a question for ya….. Do Highly Processed Foods (High Fat / High Sugar) disrupt your natural Circadian Rhythms, causing non-stop snacking and eventual Obesity? I know what you’re thinking…. That’s Oddly Specific….. You’ll just have to watch and see…. Link to The Research Referenced Posts The Processed FOOD ProblemWHAT/WHEN/HOW MUCH to EatFood Labels […]
Jan 10, 2020
Our current-day conundrum is …. THE BEST TASTING FOODS… ARE THE ONES SLOWLY KILLING US See How this (Oh to Common) Highly Processed way of Eating CAN (and Probably will) Make YOU SICK over time 🙄🍟😬 Referenced Posts WHAT/WHEN/HOW MUCH to EatIt’s a Longevity GameFood Labels 101How to Fast170 Hours NO FOODEARLY Time-Restricted FeedingAlternate Day […]
Aug 26, 2018
Right as the doors slid open, a cannon of cold air delivered instant comfort from the steamy New York City summer streets. Aisles overflown and lines stretched beyond their natural limits, but this is just standard procedure when millions of New Yorker’s race for lunch. A plate from the salad bar with a piece of […]