Jul 29, 2023
It’s no longer a secret that the trillions of micro-organisms which live in and on US have their tentacles of wisdom in just about every biological processes that we have… However, I never really made the connection that their day-to-day influence may be one of the major factors which modulates the speed in which we […]
May 6, 2023
When you look back at the legendary cinema masterpiece Happy Gilmore, it wasn’t until the main character Happy (Adam Sandler) found his “Happy Place” that things started to go his way. And where was this secret destination? No place other than right inside his own head. When he channeled this internal state he was able […]
Jul 29, 2022
Here’s the thing, the old adage “You are what you Eat” … Isn’t just an adage… It’s literally true…. The foods we eat on a daily basis end up being the building blocks that not only form the very cells that comprise our holistic self as we see it….. BUT… Also provide the biochemical and […]
Feb 1, 2022
What if I told You, there was a tool that could… Delay, and possibly Reverse some of the cellular mechanisms of aging…. A tool that could potentially Make YOU younger on the inside, while you rack-up those “made-up” chronological years on the outside….. A tool which sways the Longevity equation ever in your favor, Helping […]
Jun 4, 2021
Here’s a Fun Fact…. This very moment, right here, RIGHT NOW…. is the OLDEST you’ve ever been… That is, until this moment right now…. Unless of-course, the chronological standard we use to track age is a flawed, oversimplified time-based system that does NOT accurately correlate with our TRUE AGE, at the cellular and metabolic level….. […]
May 16, 2021
We Humans Are Living Longer than Ever! And that’s Awesome….. The Not-So-Awesome part comes in when we consider the fact that those extra years are not necessarily great ones….. In Fact, The research suggest that for most, satisfaction with ones life, especially in the final five years is on the decline…. But I’m here to […]