Apr 10, 2020
Alternate Day Fasting (ADF) and One Meal a Day (OMAD)… They may be a-little EXTREME, But they are also Super POWERFUL…..kinda like my… Never-mind 🙄 After dipping my toes into both protocols for a extended period of time…. Here’s what i’ll tell you…. Referenced Posts ALL THINGS FASTINGADF 6-Week RESULTSLongevity EatingFasting PlateauInflammation & AgingADF and […]
Feb 7, 2020
Ever Wonder How Meal Timing, Alternate Day Fasting, Prolonged Fasting, and BOOZE Affect Your Sleep…….. We touch on it All in this Full-Year Recap of tracking the “Objective Data” and correlating it with “Subjective Feel“. The funny thing was, after a few months… The “Subjective Feel” Was able to accurately estimate the “Objective Data“ Whoa!…I […]
Jan 3, 2020
As I surpass the four-month mark in my Alternate Day Fasting experiment, I figure it’s time to address the “ironic” monkey in the room. Why the hell am I sooo damn tired after eating, and sooo damn awake after fasting (~24-45 hours)? Shouldn’t it be the other way around? See why this beautiful example of […]
Nov 8, 2019
The fitness wearable market is a 26 billion dollar behemoth. The devices keep getting smaller, the data continues to get more granular and people across the world (hopefully) are taking action! Using this information to drive healthy change in their lives! AND THAT IS AWESOME! But, is there a point where the data provided from […]
Jul 5, 2019
OK, we know some type of fasting is probably a good thing…. See HERE and HERE for a refresher… But if it impacts us getting our nightly 8-hours, that could be a deal breaker! So Let’s take a Look and See what REALLY Happens… Referenced Posts Fasting BenefitsHow NOT to SLEEP170 Hour WATER ONLY Fast […]