Aug 5, 2022
You ever be searching for something for what feels like thousands of years, just to find it sitting there, right under your nose….. Well…. that’s kinda what’s been happening with the Fountain of Youth… Ya Know, the one that holds the mythical potion to all of our age associated suffering. The one we can only […]
Mar 5, 2021
I got News for Ya…. Our GENES…… Are OUR GENES! And there’s no Changing that….. At Least for Now….. However, the expression of Said Genes (otherwise know as our Epigenetics) is a WHOLE DIFFERENT Story! Think of this as the ON/OFF switch for your genetic code. Heavily influenced by your lifestyle habits and interaction with […]
Oct 2, 2020
Often when I talk about all the common desires people have in regards to their health (i.e weight loss, fat loss, improved physical function, better blood bio-markers, etc…) I refer to them as the byproduct of improving one’s cellular and metabolic health. Essentially getting healthy from the inside-out, at the cellular level. And when we’re […]